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Perspectives on Environmental Theory

  • Number of credits 7.5 credits

About the course

This course offers an introduction to different feminist perspectives on environment, nature, and humanity. Viewpoints of Eco-feminism, Post-humanism, Dark Ecology, as well as others, are presented, contextualized and scrutinized. How do different positions regarding the relation between human and nature effect our views on pollution and climate change? What problematizations and solutions do they imply? Are the only options modern technology or romantic holism?

The aim is to provide a historical and philosophical orientation of various definitions of nature and human, as well as insight into different theories of power and how they may relate to the issue. The course is based on independent readings, group-work, and individual assignments. The course is on-line and the course language is English.

Contact us

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Contactperson for the course is:
Veronika Lodwika