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Project idea

Do you have an idea, or do you want to find others with ideas? Can you spot an idea in your field that fits a call for project funding?

Tips and things to consider

Review the idea at an early stage:

  • How relevant is what is planned?
  • Does the idea have potential?
  • Do you believe in the idea, or is it just an excuse for funding? 

Ask the following questions internally in good time:

  • Where does the idea come from?
  • What is the purpose of the idea and the project?
  • Is there a known need for solutions in the chosen area?
  • What might the project’s impact be from a wider perspective?

Expect the application process to take time. If you are interested in continuing work on a project application, the process going forward should be determined as soon as possible

Want to develop the idea?

Before building a project around your vision, there are many ways to develop an idea. Depending on the idea, development can often be done within the project, for example in a pilot study.

Brainstorming with different people possessing various skills can provide good ideas, as can looking at the idea from different perspectives, such as norm-critical, sustainability, design process, gamification, etc.

One must be able to describe the need/problem thoroughly and comprehensibly, while remaining open to the fact that there may be many different solutions. Don't lock yourself into a particular solution early on, leave it malleable instead.

Where does the idea come from?

Depending on where the idea comes from, the paths to explore its potential can look different.

One's own idea

Did you come up with the idea yourself as a research fellow/clinician? 
Discuss the idea in your field with colleagues, both inside and outside the organisation. Try to understand whether there is an acceptance to go ahead with the idea.

Idea from a 'known' party

Does the idea come from a known party, such as a research colleague or previous collaborators?
Find out more about the idea and where it comes from. Where would they like to go with it? Are there other people involved?

Idea from an 'unknown' party

If the idea comes from a party you don't know, it's important to consider where it originated and how topical it seems. Request more information early on to understand whether it's something to go forward with. 


How do you integrate environment, equality and/or gender equality to contribute to the project's objectives, purpose and impact?

How are the project's target groups defined, and how can the project's activities contribute to an equal society where women and men have equal power to shape society and their own lives?

Learn more about working with horizontal criteria.

Tools for project ideas


Before you really start working on outlining your project and the subsequent application work, it is useful to have an overview of the important issues, critical tasks and steps. Hopefully, our checklist will make it easier to get that overview.

Alternative solutions

It is good to look at your idea in relation to other solutions to the problem you are interested in. Google searches for alternatives is a structured way to find and review options.

You can also find information and inspiration on related solutions by browsing through various databases.

Compilation of databases by the Patent and Registration Office

Reviewing the patent landscape in five steps 

Search past projects

You can also test your project idea with Tillväxtverket.

Structural and Investment Funds programmes

It is good to get an overview of the possibilities for financing and realising project ideas in your area. The Utveckla Sverige brochure provides an overview of the Structural and Investment Funds programmes that affect Sweden, and the programmes in which Swedish organisations, public authorities and companies can participate.

‘Norm creative’ health and social care innovation

Here's how you can go about developing innovative solutions in health and social care. These are examples of methods for developing and tweaking your idea. The methods have been chosen to suit staff, patients and relatives, or entrepreneurs from small and medium-sized enterprises.

To start with, you can watch a short film ( in Swedish) about the norm creative method and use this handbook ( in Swedish).

Latest update: 2023-02-17