Edit content at umu.se
Natuschka Lee, natuschka.lee@slu.se: Pollination ecology; insect microbiology and health
Department of Chemistry, UmU
Jerker Fick, jerker.fick@umu.se: Ecotoxicology of spiders
Uwe Sauer, uwe.sauer@umu.se: structural biology in honeybees, beekeeper
Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (EMG), UmU
Åsa Berglund, asa.berglund@umu.se: Ecotoxicology of insects, spiders and birds
Micael Jonsson, micael.jonsson@umu.se: Forest ecology
Ryan Sponseller, ryan.sponseller@umu.se: Aquatic ecology
Per Stenberg, per.stenberg@umu.se
Matthias Siewert, matthias.siewert@umu.se: New research project on ants in the Arctic: https://www.umu.se/en/research/projects/using-unmanned-aerial-vehicles-and-artificial-intelligence-to-quantify-ant-impact-on-the-arctic-ecosystem-carbon-dynamics/
Professor emeritus Lars Ericsson
Professor emeritus Barbara Giles, barbara.giles@umu.se
Former EMG member: Mehdi Cherif, INRA Institute of Bordeaux, France, mehdi.cherif@inrae.fr: Food web ecology
Department of Plant Physiology, UmU, UPSC
Benedicte Albrectsen, benedicte.albrectsen@umu.se: Aphids (plant parasites)
Department of Science and Mathematics Education
Anders Berg, anders.berg@umu.se
Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies, UmU
Philip Buckland, philip.buckland@umu.se (The Environmental Archaeology Lab): Ancient insects
Department of Food and Nutrition
Carita Bengs, carita.bengs@umu.se
Department of Molecular Biology (MIMS/UCMR), UmU
Sven Bergström, sven.bergstrom@umu.se: Pathogenesis of Borrelia in ticks
Oliver Billker, oliver.billker@umu.se: Malaria parasite transmission and reproduction in mosquitoes
Ellen Bushell, ellen.bushell@umu.se: Parasite-host interactions that govern malaria infections
Dan Hultmark, dan.hultmark@umu.se: Molecular biology of Drosophila; immune system of honeybees
Jonas Barandun, jonas.barandun@umu.se: Structural biology of microsporidia in insects
Matthias Alenius, matthias.alenius@umu.se: Sensory system in insects
Åsa Rasmuson Lestander, asa.rasmuson-lestander@umu.se: Molecular biology of Drosophila
Jens-Ola Ekström, jens-ola.ekstrom@umu.se: Molecular biology of Drosophila
Olivia Lwande, olivia.lwande@umu.se: Viruses of mosquitos
Kwon Yongdae, kwon.yongdae@umu.se: Viruses of mosquitos
Department of Clinical Microbiology (MIMS/UCMR), UmU
Anna Överby Wernstedt, anna.overby@umu.se: Viral diseases transmitted by ticks
Magnus Evander, magnus.evander@umu.se: Viruses in mosquitos
Clas Ahlm, clas.ahlm@umu.se: Viruses in mosquitos
Jonas Näslund, jonas.naslund@umu.se: Viruses in mosquitos
Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics
Anders Hofer, anders.hofer@umu.se: Trypanosoma brucei
Tor Ny, tor.ny@umu.se: wound biology, beekeeper
Department of Public Health and Clinical Medicine
Joacim Rocklöv, joacim.rocklov@umu.se: Global health
Henrik Sjödin, henrik.sjodin@umu.se: Global health
Maquines Odhiambo Sewe, maquines.sewe@umu.se: Emerging infectious diseases
Albert A. Gayle, albert.gayle@umu.se: Global health
For temporary events such as Eco visionaries
Arctic Centre at Umeå University
Umeå University School of Restaurant and Culinary Arts
Björn Norén, bjorn.noren@umu.se
Hanna Lövgren, hanna.lovgren@umu.se
Johnny Schimmel, Stiftelsen Arboretum Norr: johnny.schimmel@slu.se
Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies, SLU
Tomas Brodin, tomas.brodin@slu.se: Aquatic ecology, and studies ecological effects of pharmaceuticals in spiders in aquatic systems
Joakim Hjälten, joakim.hjalten@slu.se: Forest restoration and insect ecology
Magnus Magnusson, magnus.magnusson@slu.se: Disease ecology and small mammal dynamics; monitoring of butterflies
Anne-Maarit Hekkala, anne.maarit.hekkala@slu.se: Deadwood-depended beetles, including bark beetles, wild pollinating insects in forests
Mats Dynesius, mats.dynesius@slu.se: Boreal forest restoration
Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden (NJV), SLU
Johanna Wallsten, johanna.wallsten@slu.se, manager of environmental field sites with beehives (in Teg, Umeå)
Brooke Micke, brooke.micke@slu.se: Legume biology
David Parsons, david.parsons@slu.se: Crop science
Swedish Defense Research Agency (FOI)
Jonas Näslund, jonas.naslund@umu.se
Andreas Vilcinskas, Director of LOEWE Center for Insect Biotechnology & Bioresources, Andreas.Vilcinskas@agrar.uni-giessen.de
Eva Forsgren, manager of the National Reference Laboratory of Honeybee Health, SLU Ultuna