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Interculturality and diversity in preschool

Research project within The Postgraduate School in the Educational Sciences

The aim is to contribute with knowledge on how early childhood education responds to cultural and linguistic diversity.

Head of project

Maria Papakosma
Doctoral student

Project overview

Project period:

Start date: 2020-08-03

Participating departments and units at Umeå University

Department of Applied Educational Science Research, Faculty of Social Sciences, Umeå School of Education

Research area

Education, Educational sciences

Project description

The rapid change in Sweden’s demographics in recent years and the increase in population diversity has affected the ways in which municipalities and preschool teachers address and respond to culturally and linguistically diverse preschools. Teaching in culturally and linguistically diverse workplaces entails new challenges for preschools teachers. Although cultural diversity is officially acknowledged in the Swedish curriculum for preschools, there is a need for expanding the knowledge about intercultural approaches and competences in relation to policies for culturally inclusive education.

My research draws on concepts and literature on multicultural and intercultural education as well as how early childhood education can address values and ideas of citizenship, belonging and equality in and through education. As such, the notion of citizenship and the issue of educating citizens in a society characterised by diversity is part of democratic equality that is closely related to interculturality and intercultural education.


Latest update: 2021-10-28