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Staff photo Karolina Broman

Karolina Broman

Associate dean with education responsitbility, Chair of the Education committee, at the Faculty of Science and Technology. Docent and excellent teacher.

Research qualifications: Docent
Educational qualifications: Distinguished university teacher

Works at


I have worked at Umeå university since 2001 and focus on teaching and chemistry education research. Since 2017, I'm appointed distinguised teacher at the faculty. From September 1st, 2019, I'm the chair of the Education Committee at the Faculty of Science and Technology and member of the faculty leadership. From 2021, I'm docent in chemistry education. From 2022, I hold positions as the associate dean at the faculty, am part of the Pedagogical Qualification Board, the Library Board, and am the chair of the The National Resource Center for Chemistry Teachers (KRC).

I mostly teach students at the upper secondary school teacher education programme and the supplementary programme in secondary education (KPU). One of my most common and meaningful tasks is to examine teacher students when they do their practice courses in schools. 

Within research, my research area is chemistry education. In my thesis from 2015, I studied upper secondary school students affective and cognitive learning related to context-based learning approaches. Morover, I study digital tools related to chemistry education at university level through a flipped learning project together with the Chemistry department. We have also a Punktum project where virtual reality (VR) is used to explore students' spatial ability, i.e., the movement from 2D to 3D when studying chemistry phenomena.

Collaboration is an important aspect of my work. I'm the co-vice chair for the Western Europe within EuCheMS Division of Chemical Education and work for the Swedish Chemical Society with for example the Berzelius days. I also have a position at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences's National committee in chemistry.

ECRICE 2024. 16 European Confernce on Research in Chemical Education. Nova School of Science and Technology. Campus da Caparica, Lisbon, September 5-7, 2024: Book of abstracts, European chemical society 2024 : 36-37
Broman, Karolina; Ellervik, Ulf; Lindberg, Linda
ECRICE 2024. 16 European Confernce on Research in Chemical Education. Nova School of Science and Technology. Campus da Caparica, Lisbon, September 5-7, 2024: Book of abstracts, European chemical society 2024 : 66-67
Olander, Jenny; Broman, Karolina
Bidrag från den 9:e utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar, Västerås: Mälardalens universitet 2023 : 173-182
Schedin, Staffan; Vikström, Susanne; Broman, Karolina
Kemisk tidskrift, Svenska kemisamfundet 2022, (1) : 28-29
Broman, Karolina
Research in Science & Technological Education, Taylor & Francis 2022, Vol. 40, (4) : 478-498
Broman, Karolina; Bernholt, Sascha; Christensson, Camilla
ECRICE 2022: chemistry teaching and learning in a global unified world: abstract book
Broman, Karolina; Chorell, Erik; Holmboe, Michael; et al.
NU2022, Nätverk och utveckling, Stockholm/online, Sverige, 15-17 juni, 2022
Broman, Karolina; Chorell, Erik; Holmboe, Michael; et al.
ECRICE 2022, 15th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education: Chemistry Teaching and Learning in a Global Unified World, Reẖovot, Israel, July 11-13, 2022
Broman, Karolina; Ellervik, Ulf; Lindberg, Linda
Problems and problem solving in chemistry education: analysing data, looking for patterns and making deductions, Royal Society of Chemistry 2021 : 253-278
Broman, Karolina
Kemisk tidskrift, Svenska kemisamfundet, Vetenskapsmedia 2021, (3) : 31-31
Broman, Karolina
Book of abstracts: 9th European Variety in University Chemistry Education Conference EUROVARIETY 2021, University of Ljubljana 202160
Broman, Karolina; Chorell, Erik; Holmboe, Michael
Den 8:e utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar: Detaljerat program
Broman, Karolina; Chorell, Erik; Holmboe, Michael
Universitetspedagogiskakonferensen 2021: den goda utbildningsmiljön 2.1, Umeå: Universitetspedagogik och lärandestöd (UPL), Umeå universitet 2021 : 12-13
Broman, Karolina; Chorell, Erik; Holmboe, Michael; et al.
Book of abstracts: 9th European Variety in University Chemistry Education Conference EUROVARIETY 2021, University of Ljubljana 202162
Broman, Karolina; Johnels, Dan
NFSUN: The Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education, Online, June 1-2, 2021
Broman, Karolina; Lindfors, Maria; Mårell-Olsson, Eva; et al.
Forum för forskningsbaserad NT‐undervisning: Bidrag från konferensen FobasNT19 17‐18 oktober 2019 i Norrköping, Linköping: LiU-Tryck, Linköping 2021 : 49-68
Christensson, Camilla; Broman, Karolina
Kemisk Tidskrift, Svenska kemisamfundet 2020, (3) : 29-29
Broman, Karolina
Engaging learners with chemistry: projects to stimulate interest and participation, London, UK: Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 : 52-72
Broman, Karolina
ECRICE (European Conference on Research in Chemistry Education) conference, Webinar, July 6, 2020
Broman, Karolina
IMHE-WELL4SD 2020: Joint Proceedings of Workshops IMHE 2020 and WELL4SD 2020
Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Broman, Karolina
nu2020: Abstractbok : 207-208
Winka, Katarina; Bränberg, Agneta; Bek, Anders; et al.
Israel Journal of Chemistry, Wiley-VCH Verlagsgesellschaft 2019, Vol. 59 : 554-564
Bernholt, Sascha; Broman, Karolina; Siebert, Sara; et al.
Kemisk tidskrift, Vol. 1 : 24-27
Broman, Karolina
ESERA 2019: 2019 ESERA conference in Bologna, Italy, August 26-30, 2019
Broman, Karolina
ESERA 2019
Broman, Karolina; Bernholt, Sascha
Kemi för alla: bidrag från konferensen i Stockholm 1-2 oktober 2018 i Stockholm arrangerad av Kemilärarnas resurscentrum, Linköping: Linköping University Electronic Press 2019 : 25-41
Broman, Karolina; Christensson, Camilla
7:e utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar
Broman, Karolina; Johnels, Dan
European Variety In Chemistry Education 2019: Abstract Booklet : 32-32
Broman, Karolina; Johnels, Dan
Chemistry Teacher International, De Gruyter Open 2019, Vol. 1, (1)
Broman, Karolina; Johnels, Dan
European Variety In Chemistry Education 2019: Abstract Booklet : 24-24
Broman, Karolina; Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Johnels, Dan
7:e Utvecklingskonferensen för Sveriges ingenjörsutbildningar
Broman, Karolina; Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Johnels, Dan; et al.
Forum för forskningsbaserad NT-undervisning, Linköping, 17-18 oktober, 2019
Broman, Karolina; Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Lindfors, Maria; et al.
Forum för forskningsbaserad NT-undervisning (FobasNT19), 17-18 oktober 2019, Linköping
Christensson, Camilla; Broman, Karolina
Fjärde nationella konferensen i Pedagogiskt arbete, Umeå, 19-20 augusti, 2019
Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Broman, Karolina
Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2019: helhetssyn på undervisning - kropp, känsla och kognition i akademin, Umeå: Universitetspedagogik och lärandestöd (UPL), Umeå universitet 2019 : 15-16
Mårell-Olsson, Eva; Broman, Karolina
Forum för forskningsbaserad NT-undervisning, FobasNT18, 13-14 mars, 2018, Norrköping, Sverige
Broman, Karolina
Kemivärlden, Biotech, Kemisk tidskfrift, Nordiske Medier 2018, (7) : 14-15
Broman, Karolina
Kemivärlden, Biotech, Kemisk tidskfrift, Nordiske Medier 2018, (8) : 14-15
Broman, Karolina
International Journal of Science Education, Vol. 40, (10) : 1176-1197
Broman, Karolina; Bernholt, Sascha; Parchmann, Ilka
14th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education: Book of Abstracts : 20-20
Broman, Karolina; Johnels, Dan
Forum för forskningsbaserad NT-undervisning, Norrköping, Sverige, 13-14 mars, 2018
Broman, Karolina; Mårell-Olsson, Eva
ECRICE 14th European Conference on Research in Chemical Education, Warsaw, Poland, September 2-6, 2018
Broman, Karolina; Mårell-Olsson, Eva
ESERA 2017 Conference,Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland 21st - 25th August 2017
Broman, Karolina
NFSUN 2017, Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, 6-9 June 2017
Broman, Karolina
ESERA 2017 Conference, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 21st - 25th August 2017
Broman, Karolina; Bernholt, Sascha
NFSUN: Nordiske Forskersymposium om Undervisning i Naturfag. Abstracts : 23-23
Broman, Karolina; Bernholt, Sascha
The Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education 2017 (12th NFSUN), Trondheim, Norway, June 7-9, 2017
Broman, Karolina; Johnels, Dan
Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2017: undervisning i praktiken – föreläsning, flexibelt eller mitt emellan?, Umeå: Universitetspedagogik och lärandestöd (UPL), Umeå universitet 2017 : 14-18
Broman, Karolina; Johnels, Dan
Contextualizing teaching to improving learning: The case of Science and Geography, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2017 : 25-39
Parchmann, Ilka; Blonder, Ron; Broman, Karolina

During 2024/2025, I teach at the Bridging Teacher Education Programme for Secondary School and Upper Secondary School, mostly with courses in mathematics, technology, and science education.