Högre seminariet i filosofi bjuder in till seminarium med Dimitri Coelho Mollo och Pär Sundström. Seminariet ges på engelska och har den engelska titeln "AGI Alarmism – For and Against".
Abstract (på engelska): Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is artificial intelligence that matches or surpasses human intelligence across a wide range of domains. AGI Alarmism is the view that there’s a significant chance that AGI becomes real relatively soon and that we ought now to take measures or consider taking measures in view of this possibility. Proponents of AGI Alarmism include Bostrom (2014), Chalmers (2010), and Tegmark (2017). Opponents include Floridi (2016), Crane (2021), and Dignum (2019). This seminar will take the form of a “disputation” with one presenter (Pär) defending AGI Alarmism and the other (Dimitri) opposing it.