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Publicerad: 2013-12-04

Christer Malm får WADA anslag

NYHET Christer Malm, Universitetslektor och avdelningschef, på Idrottsmedicinska enheten har fått 174 038 USD för sin forskning om bloddoping från den internationella antidopingsbyrån WADA, World Anti-Doping Agency.

Enligt källan Wikipedia har WADA ett övergripande ansvar inom idrotten att arbeta fram en dopinglista över förbjudna preparat och metoder och är det enda ackrediterade organdet för dopinglaboratiorier. WADA är jobbar med förebyggande insatser och arbetar aktivt med anti-doping inom idrotten. De huvudsakliga resurserna inom WADA läggs på forskning och antalet tester har ökat enormt.

Nyligen har Christer Malm, vid idrottsmedicinska enheten, fått WADA anslag för sitt projekt Blood transfusion and doping.

Blood transfusion is the most effective means to increase the number of red blood cells, and enhance athletic performance in endurance events. Due to the complicated procedures with transfusion, the use of Epo has been the dominating method for blood doping, but improved detection technologies have forced cheating athletes again to use autologous blood doping. To date no reliable detection method for autologous blood transfusions exists, and the need for a direct detecting method for autologous blood transfusion is obvious and urgent.

It is known that during storage in the blood bags, RBCs are degraded, the degraded proteins (the “degradome”) in circulation will be proportionally higher in doped athlete post-transfusion compared to pre-transfusion or non-transfused athlete.


We have develop an assay/procedure that can discriminate doped from non-doped athletes with a probability of >96%.

Work Plan for current project includes:

A) Verify selected biomarkers/procedure by a repeat autologous blood transfusion studyB) Establish the sensitivity and specificity of the procedure to detect autologous blood doping
C) Investigate three possible confounding factors: 1) elite endurance training 2) Differences between Males and Females 3) High altitude and low oxygen training

Redaktör: Anna-Karin Eriksson