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Dean Carson
090-786 63 03
Verksam vid
Gästprofessor vid Institutionen för epidemiologi och global hälsa
5B, Målpunkt P, Försörjningsvägen 7 B, Norrlands universitetssjukhus
Epidemiologi och global hälsa, Umeå Universitet, 90185 Umeå
Who gives? Non-commercial distribution networks in domestic food production in the inland north of Sweden
, MDPI 2024, Vol. 16, (6)
Carson, Dean B.; Brunet Johansson, Albert; Carson, Doris Anna
Med blicken mot Norr: att leva, arbeta och resa i glesbygd
Med blicken mot Norr: att leva, arbeta och resa i glesbygd
, Umeå: Umeå University 2024 : 4-16
Carson, Dean B.; Eimermann, Marco; Lundmark, Linda
Epilog: från tillväxt till nedgång till nerväxt?: framtiden för glesbygd i norr
Med blicken mot Norr: att leva, arbeta och resa i glesbygd
, Umeå: Umeå University 2024 : 152-160
Carson, Dean B.; Eimermann, Marco; Lundmark, Linda
Addressing the workforce crisis in (rural) social care: a scoping review
International Journal of Health Planning and Management
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 39, (3) : 806-823
Carson, Dean B.; Johansson, Albert Brunet; Schaumberg, Mia; et al.
Creating 'good' hospital to home transfers in the rural north of Sweden: informal workarounds and opportunities for improvement
Home Health Care Services Quarterly
, Routledge 2024, Vol. 43, (1) : 18-38
Carson, Dean Bradley; Messmer, Ronja; Leuf Fjällberg, Emmy
Ready to co-create? Considering pre-creation in care service development for older adults in the rural Swedish north: [¿Preparados para co-crear? Un estudio de caso sobre la pre-creación en el desarrollo de servicios asistenciales para personas mayores en el norte de Suecia]
Journal of Community Systems for Health
, Umeå University Library 2024, Vol. 1, (1)
Jonsson, Frida; Carson, Dean B.; Nilsson, Patrik; et al.
Med blicken mot Norr: att leva, arbeta och resa i glesbygd
Publications from Arctic Centre at Umeå University
, 3/2024
Lundmark, Linda; Eimermann, Marco; Carson, Dean B.
Understanding the demographic future of small Arctic villages using agent-based modelling
More than 'nature': research on infrastructure and settlements in the North
, Vienna: LIT Verlag 2022 : 263-281
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.
Resource deserts, village hierarchies and de-growth in sparsely populated areas: The case of Southern Lapland, Sweden
, Geographical Society of Finland 2022, Vol. 200, (2) : 210-227
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.; Lundmark, Linda; et al.
Regionalisation and general practitioner and nurse workforce development in regional northern Australia: Insights from 30 years of census migration data
Journal of Rural Studies
, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 91 : 98-107
Carson, Dean B.; McGrail, Matthew; Sahay, Ashlyn
Innovation in rural health services requires local actors and local action
Public Health Reviews
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2022, Vol. 43
Carson, Dean B.; Preston, Robyn; Hurtig, Anna-Karin
Cities, hinterlands and disconnected urban-rural development: Perspectives from sparsely populated areas
Journal of Rural Studies
, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 93 : 104-111
Carson, Doris A.; Carson, Dean B.; Argent, Neil
Strengthening Community Health Systems Through Novel eHealth Initiatives? Commencing a Realist Study of the Virtual Health Rooms in Rural Northern Sweden
International Journal of Health Policy and Management
, Vol. 11, (1) : 39-48
Jonsson, Frida; Carson, Dean B.; Goicolea, Isabel; et al.
A "toolkit" for rural aged care?: Global insights from a scoping review
Frontiers in Political Science
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2022, Vol. 4
Vaughan, Geraldine; Carson, Dean B.; Preston, Robyn; et al.
Disruptions and diversions: the demographic consequences of natural disasters in sparsely populated areas
The demography of disasters: impacts for population and place
, Cham: Springer 2021 : 81-99
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.; Axelsson, Per; et al.
Opportunities and barriers for degrowth in remote tourism destinations: overcoming regional inequalities?
Degrowth and tourism: new perspectives on tourism entrepreneurship, destinations and policy
, Milton Park: Routledge 2021 : 100-115
Carson, Doris A.; Carson, Dean B.
Northern cities and urban–rural migration of university-qualified labour in Australia and Sweden: Spillovers, sponges, or disconnected city–hinterland geographies?
Geographical Research
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 59, (3) : 424-438
Carson, Doris A.; Carson, Dean B.; Lundström, Linus
What a Pandemic Has Taught Us About the Potential for Innovation in Rural Health: Commencing an Ethnography in Canada, the United States, Sweden, and Australia
Frontiers in Public Health
, Frontiers Media S.A. 2021, Vol. 9
Petrie, Samuel; Carson, Dean B.; Peters, Paul; et al.
A socially accountable health and care workforce in Northern Sweden: who should it contain, who is it for and what should it do?
Dipping in to the North: living, working and traveling in sparsely populated areas
, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan 2020 : 175-194
Carson, Dean B.; Jonsson, Frida
The mining resource cycle and settlement demography in Malå, Northern Sweden
Polar Record
, Cambridge University Press 2020, Vol. 56
Carson, Dean B.; Nilsson, Lena Maria; Carson, Doris A.
Landscapes of care and despair for rural youth: a qualitative study in the northern Swedish 'periphery'
International Journal for Equity in Health
, BioMed Central 2020, Vol. 19, (1)
Jonsson, Frida; Goicolea, Isabel; Christianson, Monica; et al.
Disasters, market changes and 'The Big Smoke': understanding the decline of remote tourism in Katherine, Northern Territory Australia
Perspectives on rural tourism geographies: case studies from developed nations on the exotic, the fringe and the boring bits in between
, Cham: Springer 2019 : 93-114
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.
The continuing advance and retreat of rural settlement in the northern inland of Sweden
Journal of Northern Studies
, Umeå: Umeå University; The Royal Skyttean Society 2019, Vol. 13, (1) : 7-33
Carson, Dean B.; Lundmark, Linda; Carson, Doris A.
Hot-spots and spaces in-between: Development and settlement in the "Old North"
The politics of Arctic resources: change and continuity in the "Old North" of northern Europe
, London: Routledge 2019 : 18-37
Carson, Dean B.; Solbär, Lovisa; Stjernström, Olof
Die hard: On the persistence of Swedish upland farming
Journal of Rural Studies
, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 69 : 41-52
Dubois, Alexandre; Carson, Dean B.
Modelling population retention in Australia's Northern Territory: how do current forms of migration contribute to population turnover and retention?
Australian Geographer
, Routledge 2019, Vol. 50, (4) : 435-452
Thurmer, James; Carson, Dean B.; Taylor, A.
Indigenous experiences of the mining resource cycle in Australia’s northern territory: Benefits, burdens and bridges?
Journal of Northern Studies
, Umeå: Umeå University & The Royal Skyttean Society 2018, Vol. 12, (2) : 11-36
Carson, Dean B.; Govan, Jeanie; Carson, Doris A.
International lifestyle immigrants and their contributions to rural tourism innovation: Experiences from Sweden's far north
Journal of Rural Studies
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 64 : 230-240
Carson, Doris A.; Carson, Dean B.
International winter tourism entrepreneurs in northern Sweden: understanding migration, lifestyle, and business motivations
Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
, Routledge 2018, Vol. 18, (2) : 183-198
Carson, Doris Anna; Carson, Dean Bradley; Eimermann, Marco
Health care access for rural youth on equal terms?: A mixed methods study protocol in northern Sweden
International Journal for Equity in Health
, BioMed Central 2018, Vol. 17
Goicolea, Isabel; Carson, Dean; San Sebastian, Miguel; et al.
Path Dependence in Remote Area Tourism Development: Why institutional legacies matter
Tourism Destination Evolution
, Milton Park: Routledge 2017 : 103-122
Carson, Doris A.; Carson, Dean B.
Using Internet technologies in rural communities to access services: the views of older people and service providers
Journal of Rural Studies
, Elsevier 2017, Vol. 54 : 469-478
Hodge, Heidi; Carson, Doris; Carson, Dean; et al.
Settlements at the edge: remote human settlements in developed nations
, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 2016 : 427-434
Carson, Dean B.
Lessons from the Arctic past: The resource cycle, hydro energy development, and the human geography of Jokkmokk, Sweden
Energy Research & Social Science
, Vol. 16 : 13-24
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.; Nordin, Gabriella; et al.
Decline, Adaptation or Transformation: New Perspectives on Demographic Change in Resource Peripheries in Australia and Sweden
Comparative Population Studies
, Vol. 41, (3-4) : 1-29
Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.; Porter, Rob; et al.
The local demography of resource economies: long term implications of natural resource industries for demographic development in sparsely populated areas
Settlements at the edge: remote human settlements in developed nations
, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 2016 : 357-378
Carson, Dean B.; Sköld, Peter; Carson, Doris A.; et al.
Recruitment and retention of professional labour: the health workforce at settlement level
Settlements at the edge: remote human settlements in developed nations
Carson, Dean B.; Wenghofer, E.F; Timony, P.E; et al.
Tourism, mobilities, and development in sparsely populated areas
Milton Park: Routledge 2016
Carson, Doris A; Carson, Dean B; Lundmark, Linda
Mobilities and path dependence: challenges for tourism and "attractive" industry development in a remote company town
Tourism, mobilities and development in sparsely populated areas
, Routledge 2016 : 108-127
Carson, Doris Anna; Carson, Dean Bradley
Tourism and mobilities in sparsely populated areas: towards a framework and research agenda
Tourism, mobilities and development in sparsely populated areas
, Routledge 2016 : 1-12
Carson, Doris Anna; Carson, Dean Bradley; Lundmark, Linda
Sources of data for settlement level analysis in sparsely populated areas
Settlements at the edge: Remote human settlements in developed nations
, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 2016 : 153-177
Peters, P; Taylor, A; Carson, Dean B.; et al.
Modelling settlement futures: techniques and challenges
Settlements at the edge: remote human settlements in developed nations
, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing 2016 : 270-290
Peters, P.A; Taylor, A; Carson, Dean B.; et al.
Towards equity and sustainability of rural and remote health services access: Supporting social capital and integrated organisational and professional development
BMC Health Services Research
, Vol. 16
Schoo, A; Lawn, S; Carson, Dean
The role of heritage tourism in attracting "active" in-migrants to "low amenity" rural areas
Rural Society
, Vol. 25, (2) : 134-153
Vuin, Ana; Carson, Doris Anna; Carson, Dean Bradley; et al.
Impacts of service and infrastructure provision on Indigenous temporary mobility in the Northern Territory of Australia: insights from the 2011 census
Population, Space and Place
, Wiley-Blackwell 2016, Vol. 22, (1) : 99-116
Zander, Kerstin K; Taylor, Andrew J; Carson, Dean B
The 'rural pipeline' and retention of rural health professionals in Europe's northern peripheries
Health Policy
, Vol. 119, (12) : 1550-1556
Carson, Dean B.; Schoo, Adrian; Berggren, Peter
Government with a Cast of Dozens: Policy Capacity Risks and Policy Work in the Northern Territory
Australian journal of public administration
, Wiley-Blackwell 2015, Vol. 74, (2) : 162-175
Carson, Dean B; Wellstead, Adam
Understanding local innovation systems in peripheral tourism destinations
Managing and adapting to global change in tourism places
, New York: Routledge 2015 : 115-131
Carson, Doris Anna; Carson, Dean Bradley; Hodge, Heidi
‘Walkabout’ tourism: The Indigenous tourism market for Outback Australia
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
, Elsevier 2015, Vol. 24 : 9-17
Taylor, Andrew; Carson, Dean B.; Carson, Doris A.; et al.
Local economies of mobility in sparsely populated areas: cases from Australia's spine
Journal of Rural Studies
, Elsevier 2014, Vol. 36 : 340-349
Carson, Dean B; Carson, Doris A
Visa publikationer i DiVA
1 januari 2018 till 31 december 2020
Hur kan innovationer inom e-hälsa stärka samhällsbaserade hälsosystem?
1 januari 2017 till 31 december 2019
Hälsa på lika villkor för ungdomar i glesbygd?
27 september 2016 till 31 december 2020
Urban tillväxt i nordliga periferier och utvecklingsmöjligheter i landsbygdsområden
1 juli 2012
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