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Per Wester
Vetenskaplig meritering:
090-786 88 70
Verksam vid
Professor, överläkare vid
Institutionen för folkhälsa och klinisk medicin
Enhet: Angiologi och stroke
Roll: Biträdande prefekt, Ställföreträdande prefekt
1A, 4 tr, Norrlands Universitetssjukhus
Carotid calcifications in panoramic radiographs can predict vascular risk
Dento-Maxillo-Facial Radiology
, Oxford University Press 2025, Vol. 54, (1) : 28-34
Garoff, Maria; Ahlqvist, Jan; Levring Jäghagen, Eva; et al.
Optimized density and locations of stroke centers for improved cost effectiveness of mechanical thrombectomy in patients with acute ischemic stroke
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2024, Vol. 16 : 156-162
Ennab Vogel, Nicklas; Wester, Per; Andersson Granberg, Tobias; et al.
Risk of stroke recurrence after intravenous thrombolysis in patients with symptomatic carotid stenosis
Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences
, Cambridge University Press 2024, Vol. 51, (4) : 521-528
Nordanstig, Annika; Gu, Thomas; Henze, Alexander; et al.
Positive effects of lower extremity constraint-induced movement therapy on balance, leg strength and dual-task ability in stroke patients: a longitudinal cohort study
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
, Medical Journals Sweden 2024, Vol. 56
Sefastsson, Annika; Marklund, Ingela; Littbrand, Håkan; et al.
Validity and reliability of the Swedish version of the gugging swallowing screen for use in acute stroke care
Dysphagia (New York. Print)
Selg, Jenny; Holmlund, Thorbjörn; Levring Jäghagen, Eva; et al.
Large variations in atrial fibrillation screening practice after ischemic stroke and transient ischemic attack in Sweden: a survey study
BMC Neurology
, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 24, (1)
Strååt, Kajsa; Isaksson, Eva; Laska, Ann Charlotte; et al.
Aortic arterial stiffness associates with carotid intima-media thickness and carotid plaques in younger middle-aged healthy people
Blood Pressure
, Taylor & Francis 2024, Vol. 33, (1)
Söderström, Martina; Grönlund, Christer; Liv, Per; et al.
Cost-effectiveness of prehospital ambulance helicopter transportation of patients with presumed stroke in the era of mechanical thrombectomy
Stroke: vascular and interventional neurology
, John Wiley & Sons 2024, Vol. 4, (5)
Vogel, Nicklas Ennab; Wester, Per; Andersson Granberg, Tobias; et al.
Multi-view carotid ultrasound is stronger associated with cardiovascular risk factors than presence of plaque or single carotid intima media thickness measurements in subclinical atherosclerosis
The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging
, Springer Nature 2023, Vol. 39, (8) : 1461-1471
Bengtsson, Anna; Nyman, Emma; Grönlund, Christer; et al.
Multicentre, national, investigator-initiated, randomised, parallel-group, register-based superiority trial to compare extended ECG monitoring versus standard ECG monitoring in elderly patients with ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack and the effect on stroke, death and intracerebral bleeding: the AF SPICE protocol
BMJ Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2023, Vol. 13, (11)
Engdahl, Johan; Straat, Kajsa; Isaksson, Eva; et al.
Antithrombotic treatment after intracerebral hemorrhage: surveys among stroke physicians in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom
Health Science Reports
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 6, (1)
Forfang, Elisabeth; Larsen, Kristin Tveitan; Salman, Rustam Al-Shahi; et al.
Editor's Choice – Nationwide Outcome Analysis of Primary Carotid Endarterectomy in Symptomatic Patients Depending on Closure Technique and Patch Type
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 65, (4) : 467-473
Jonsson, Magnus; Hammar, Kimberley; Lindberg, Malin; et al.
Reduced progression of carotid intima media thickness by personalised pictorial presentation of subclinical atherosclerosis in VIPVIZA: A randomised controlled trial
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 43, (4) : 232-241
Nyman, Emma; Grönlund, Christer; Vanoli, Davide; et al.
Carotid wall echogenicity at baseline associates with accelerated vascular aging in a middle-aged population
The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging
, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2023, Vol. 39, (3) : 575-583
Nyman, Emma; Liv, Per; Wester, Per; et al.
Interframe Echo Intensity Variation of Subregions and Whole Plaque in Two-Dimensional Carotid Ultrasonography: Simulations and in Vivo Observations
Journal of ultrasound in medicine
, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 42, (5) : 1033-1046
Rohlén, Robin; Jiang, Biao; Nyman, Emma; et al.
Survival and functional outcome following endovascular thrombectomy for anterior circulation acute ischemic stroke caused by large vessel occlusion in Sweden 2017–2019: a nationwide, prospective, observational study
Interventional Neuroradiology
, Sage Publications 2023, Vol. 29, (1) : 94-101
Ullberg, Teresa; von Euler, Mia; Wassélius, Johan; et al.
Endovascular thrombectomy for anterior circulation stroke beyond 6 hours of onset in Sweden 2015 to 2020: Rates and outcomes in a nationwide register-based study
Journal of NeuroInterventional Surgery
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2023, Vol. 15, (4) : 330-335
Ullberg, Teresa; Von Euler, Mia; Wester, Per; et al.
Prediction modelling the impact of onset to treatment time on the modified Rankin Scale score at 90 days for patients with acute ischaemic stroke
BMJ Neurology Open
, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2022, Vol. 4, (2)
Ennab Vogel, Nicklas; Tatlisumak, Turgut; Wester, Per; et al.
Association of high cardiovascular risk and diabetes with calcified carotid artery atheromas depicted on panoramic radiographs
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology
, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 133, (1) : 88-99
Gustafsson, Nils; Ahlqvist, Jan; Norhammar, Anna; et al.
Low Incidence of Late Ipsilateral Ischaemic Stroke After Treatment for Symptomatic Carotid Stenosis in Sweden 2008–2017: Increased Risk in the Elderly and After Carotid Stenting
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 63, (1) : 24-32
Hammar, Kimberley; Laska, Ann Charlotte; Wester, Per; et al.
Arterial calcification and cerebral disease: stroke and dementia
Cardiovascular calcification
, Cham: Springer 2022 : 237-258
Jashari, Fisnik; Wester, Per; Henein, Michael
Early versus delayed non-vitamin k antagonist oral anticoagulant therapy after acute ischemic stroke in atrial fibrillation (timing): a registry-based randomized controlled noninferiority study
, American heart association 2022, Vol. 146, (14) : 1056-1066
Oldgren, Jonas; Åsberg, Signild; Hijazi, Ziad; et al.
Maintained acute stroke admission during the first wave COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden: a register-based study
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases
, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 31, (10)
Rydell, Melissa; Wester, Per; Laska, Ann-Charlotte; et al.
Endovascular thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke
Journal of Internal Medicine
, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 291, (3) : 303-316
Wassélius, Johan; Arnberg, Fabian; von Euler, Mia; et al.
The beneficial effect over 3 years by pictorial information to patients and their physician about subclinical atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk: results from the VIPVIZA randomized clinical trial
American Journal of Preventive Cardiology
, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 7
Bengtsson, Anna; Norberg, Margareta; Ng, Nawi; et al.
Carotid Atherosclerosis in Predicting Coronary Artery Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology
, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2021, Vol. 41, (4) : e224-e237
Bytyçi, Ibadete; Shenouda, Rafik B.; Wester, Per; et al.
Effects of Fluoxetine on Outcomes at 12 Months after Acute Stroke: Results from EFFECTS, a Randomized Controlled Trial
, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2021, Vol. 52, (10) : 3082-3087
Lundström, Erik; Isaksson, Eva; Greilert Norin, Nina; et al.
The relationship between carotid and coronary calcification in patients with coronary artery disease
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging
, John Wiley & Sons 2021, Vol. 41, (3) : 271-280
Shenouda, Rafik B.; Vancheri, Sergio; Maria Bassi, Emilio; et al.
Calcifications in the neck region of patients with carotid artery stenosis: a computed tomography angiography study of topographic anatomy
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology
, Elsevier 2020, Vol. 129, (5) : 523-530
Barut, Oya; Ahlqvist, Jan; Garoff, Maria; et al.
Oral neuromuscular training in patients with dysphagia after stroke: a prospective, randomized, open-label study with blinded evaluators
BMC Neurology
, Springer Nature 2020, Vol. 20
Hägglund, Patricia; Hägg, Mary; Levring Jäghagen, Eva; et al.
Validation of the Simplified Modified Rankin Scale Questionnaire
European Neurology
, S. Karger 2020, Vol. 83, (5) : 493-499
Isaksson, Eva; Wester, Per; Laska, Ann Charlotte; et al.
STudy of Antithrombotic Treatment after IntraCerebral Haemorrhage: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial
European Stroke Journal
, Sage Publications 2020, Vol. 5, (4) : 414-422
Larsen, Kristin Tveitan; Forfang, Elisabeth; Pennlert, Johanna; et al.
Update on the EFFECTS study of fluoxetine for stroke recovery: a randomised controlled trial in Sweden
, BMC 2020, Vol. 21, (1) : 1-9
Lundström, Erik; Isaksson, Eva; Näsman, Per; et al.
Ultrasound risk marker variability in symptomatic carotid plaque: impact on risk reclassification and association with temporal variation pattern
The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging
, Springer 2020, Vol. 36, (6) : 1061-1068
Stenudd, Isak; Sjödin, Elias; Nyman, Emma; et al.
Effect of early supported discharge after stroke on patient reported outcome based on the Swedish Riksstroke registry
BMC Neurology
, BioMed Central 2019, Vol. 19
Bråndal, Anna; Eriksson, Marie; Glader, Eva-Lotta; et al.
Bilateral vessel-outlining carotid artery calcifications in panoramic radiographs: an independent risk marker for vascular events
BMC Cardiovascular Disorders
, BioMed Central 2019, Vol. 19, (1)
Garoff, Maria; Ahlqvist, Jan; Edin, Linda-Tereza; et al.
Swallowing dysfunction as risk factor for undernutrition in older people admitted to Swedish short-term care: a cross-sectional study
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research
, Springer 2019, Vol. 31, (1) : 85-94
Hägglund, Patricia; Fält, Anna; Hägg, Mary; et al.
Effects of oral neuromuscular training on swallowing dysfunction among older people in intermediate care: a cluster randomized, controlled trial
Age and Ageing
, Oxford University Press 2019, Vol. 48 : 533-540
Hägglund, Patricia; Hägg, Mary; Wester, Per; et al.
Older people with swallowing dysfunction and poor oral health are at greater risk of early death
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology
, John Wiley & Sons 2019, Vol. 47, (6) : 494-501
Hägglund, Patricia; Susanne, Koistinen; Olai, Lena; et al.
Identifying important barriers to recruitment of patients in randomised clinical studies using a questionnaire for study personnel
, BioMed Central 2019, Vol. 20, (1)
Isaksson, Eva; Wester, Per; Laska, Ann Charlotte; et al.
Bilateral carotid intima media thickness (cIMT) and plaque measurements was stronger associated with cardiovascular risk factors than unilateral measurements: Results from the VIPVIZA trial
European Heart Journal
, Oxford University Press 2019, Vol. 40 : 2036-2036
Lundgren, A.; Nyman, Emma; Norberg, Margareta; et al.
Evaluation of the Swedish National Stroke Campaign: A population-based time-series study
International Journal of Stroke
, Sage Publications 2019, Vol. 14, (9) : 862-870
Nordanstig, Annika; Palaszewski, Bo; Asplund, Kjell; et al.
Visualization of asymptomatic atherosclerotic disease for optimum cardiovascular prevention (VIPVIZA): a pragmatic, open-label, randomised controlled trial
The Lancet
, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 393, (10167) : 133-142
Näslund, Ulf; Ng, Nawi; Lundgren, Anna; et al.
Calcified carotid artery atheromas in panoramic radiographs are associated with a first myocardial infarction: a case-control study
Oral surgery, oral medicine, oral pathology and oral radiology
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 125, (2) : 199-205
Gustafsson, Nils; Ahlqvist, Jan B.; Näslund, Ulf; et al.
Rehabilitering efter stroke - Socialstyrelsens strokeriktlinjer medför nya utmaningar
, Vol. 115, (51-52)
Hu, Xiao-Lei; Wester, Per; Stibrant Sunnerhagen, Katharina
Survival and incidence of cardiovascular diseases in participants in a long-distance ski race (Vasaloppet, Sweden) compared with the background population
European Heart Journal - Quality of Care and Clinical Outcomes
, Oxford University Press 2018, Vol. 4, (2) : 91-97
Hållmarker, Ulf; Lindbäck, Johan; Michaëlsson, Karl; et al.
Carotid IM-GSM is better than IMT for identifying patients with multiple arterial disease
Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal
, Taylor & Francis Group 2018, Vol. 52, (2) : 93-99
Jashari, Fisnik; Ibrahimi, Pranvera; Johansson, Elias; et al.
Carotid near-occlusion frequently has high peak systolic velocity on Doppler ultrasound
, Springer 2018, Vol. 60, (1) : 17-25
Khangure, Simon R.; Benhabib, Hadas; Machnowska, Matylda; et al.
Enhancing Recruitment Using Teleconference and Commitment Contract (ERUTECC): study protocol for a randomised, stepped-wedge cluster trial within the EFFECTS trial
, BioMed Central 2018, Vol. 19
Lundström, Erik; Isaksson, Eva; Wester, Per; et al.
Identifying unmet rehabilitation needs in patients after stroke with a graphic rehab-compass
Journal of Stroke & Cerebrovascular Diseases
, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 27, (11) : 3224-3235
Magaard, Gustaf; Wester, Per; Levi, Richard; et al.
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