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University governance

The University is governed by the University Board and the University Management.

The University Board is the University's highest decision-making body. The decisions they make include the allocation of resources within the University and setting important matters concerning the University's organisation

The University Management consists of the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, the University Director and the Assistant University Director. The Vice-Chancellor is the head of the University and its chief representative. The Vice-Chancellor is among other things responsible for the achievement of the goals set by the University Board.

University Board

The University Board is Umeå University’s highest body.

University Management

The University Management leads the ongoing work at the University and is led by the Vice-Chancellor.

Advisory and decision-making bodies and partners

Strategic councils

There are four strategic councils at Umeå University that act advisory to the University within their fields – education, research, administration and equal opportunities.

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Committees and councils

Learn more about the advisory and decision-making bodies at Umeå University. These committees, boards and councils decide on university-wide matters and advise the Vice-Chancellor or other boards and councils.

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Corporations and foundations

Umeå University has ties to many corporations and foundations that help strengthen and improve our contacts with trade and industry. Together we share knowledge and develop new ideas.

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Latest update: 2024-03-25