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Applied Physics

Research in Applied Physics is conducted in three main areas - Applied Optics, Biomedical Engineering and Materials Engineering.

Applied Physics aims at using physics to solve scientific or engineering problems, thereby bridging the gap between physical science and technology. At the Department of Applied Physics and Electronics advanced analytical techniques are developed and utilized to enable basic and applied research in fields such as energy technology, mechanical engineering and medicine. Experimental activities are usually supported by numerical modelling and simulations.

The Applied Optics group develops advanced optical techniques based on laser spectroscopy for accurate quantitative detection and imaging of atomic and molecular species with high time-resolution. Typical applications include (i) the measurement of gas-phase potassium compounds, water, temperature and soot in laboratory flames and pilot-scale biomass reactors, (ii) real-time detection carbon monoxide in human exhaled breath gas after exposure to wood smoke, and (iii) high-speed mid-infrared photothermal imaging in life and materials science.

The research in Biomedical Engineering is concerned with characterizing and understanding physiological systems in health and disease. In collaboration with local healthcare systems and industry, the principal aims are to study, diagnose and treat medical conditions related to e.g. blood flow and vascular health. The main analytical techniques are magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and mechanical sensors, and a part of the research is directed towards improving the related signal processing and image analysis.

Materials Engineering addresses the design of novel materials for industrial applications. Advanced analytical methods, such as electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and synchrotron radiation, are utilized to characterize an test materials. Examples of materials comprise (i) ultra-strong steel for sustainable, light-weight machine design, (ii) tough refractory materials that can withstand the harsh, high-temperature environment in thermochemical reactors, and (iii) different types of biomass, ashes and slags.

An additional field of research is computational electromagnetics, which deals with the design and characterization of electromagnetic devices operating at regimes ranging from radio to optical frequencies. The knowledge is of importance for e.g. medical applications of electromagnetic theory.

Our team


Anders Eklund
Professor, combined with clinical employment, professor

Associate professors

Britt Andersson
Associate professor
Mattias Andersson
Associate professor
Per Hallberg
Associate professor
Emadeldeen Hassan
Associate professor
Davood Khodadad
Associate professor
Richard Larker
Associate professor
Ole Norberg
Associate professor
Nils Skoglund
Associate professor
Anna Strandberg
Associate professor
Anders Wåhlin
Other position, associate professor, combined with clinical employment


Damir Valiev
Research fellow

Research engineers

Markus Carlborg
Staff scientist

PhD Students

Karin Sandström
Staff scientist
Emil Thorin
Staff scientist

Our research groups

Applied Optics
Combustion diagnostics, exhaled breath gas analysis and chemical imaging.
Biomedical Engineering
Medical imaging, physiological pressure and flow measurements, biomedical signal analysis.
Materials Engineering
Material development and characterization regarding composition and performance.



Scientific Reports, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 14, (1)
Vikner, Tomas; Garpebring, Anders; Björnfot, Cecilia; et al.
Fluids and Barriers of the CNS, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 21, (1)
Qvarlander, Sara; Sundström, Nina; Malm, Jan; et al.
Minerals, MDPI 2024, Vol. 14, (6)
Sandström, Karin; Carlborg, Markus; Eriksson, Matias; et al.
Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control, BioMed Central (BMC) 2024, Vol. 13, (1)
Winroth, Andreas; Andersson, Mattias; Fjällström, Peter; et al.
MethodsX, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 13
Strandberg, Anna; Chevreau, Hubert; Skoglund, Nils
Scientific Reports, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 14, (1)
Vikström, Axel; Holmlund, Petter; Holmgren, Madelene; et al.
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2024, Vol. 65, (5)
Kristiansen, Martin; Holmlund, Petter; Linden, Christina; et al.
Environmental Science and Technology, American Chemical Society (ACS) 2024, Vol. 58, (21) : 9200-9212
Yu, Changxun; Luong, Nguyen Tan; Hefni, Mohammed E.; et al.
Energy & Fuels, American Chemical Society (ACS) 2024, Vol. 38, (11) : 10114-10129
Valizadeh, Ali; Faust, Robin; Skoglund, Nils; et al.
Journal of Neuroscience, Society for Neuroscience 2024, Vol. 44, (11)
Pedersen, Robin; Johansson, Jarkko; Nordin, Kristin; et al.
Engineering applications of artificial intelligence, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 133, (Part D)
Mohammadi, Younes; Polajžer, Boštjan; Leborgne, Roberto Chouhy; et al.
Minerals, MDPI 2024, Vol. 14, (3)
Eriksson, Matias; Sandström, Karin; Carlborg, Markus; et al.
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 38
Mohammadi, Younes; Polajžer, Boštjan; Leborgne, Roberto Chouhy; et al.
AIP Conference Proceedings, American Institute of Physics (AIP) 2024, Vol. 3062, (1)
Saremi, Amin; Khodadad, Davood
The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C: Applied Statistics, Oxford University Press 2024, Vol. 74, (4) : 835-856
Wegmann, Bertil; Lundquist, Anders; Eklund, Anders; et al.
Neuroradiology, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 66, (4) : 589-599
Holmgren, Madelene; Henze, Alexander; Wåhlin, Anders; et al.
Neurobiology of Aging, Vol. 136 : 125-132
Karalija, Nina; Papenberg, Goran; Johansson, Jarkko; et al.
Waste Management, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 177 : 56-65
Strandberg, Anna; Thyrel, Mikael; Falk, Joel; et al.
Fuel, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 364
Bozaghian Bäckman, Marjan; Rebbling, Anders; Kuba, Matthias; et al.
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, Sage Publications 2024, Vol. 44, (8) : 1343-1351
Björnfot, Cecilia; Eklund, Anders; Larsson, Jenny; et al.
Materials & design, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 238
Elbashir, Sana; Broström, Markus; Skoglund, Nils
Anesthesiology, Wolters Kluwer 2024, Vol. 140, (4) : 669-678
Birnefeld, Johan; Petersson, Karl; Wåhlin, Anders; et al.
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Zarrinkoob, Laleh; Myrnäs, Sanne; Wåhlin, Anders; et al.
European Stroke Journal, Sage Publications 2024, Vol. 9, (1) : 135-143
Holmgren, Madelene; Henze, Alexander; Wåhlin, Anders; et al.
Fuel, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 357
Hannl, Thomas Karl; Skoglund, Nils; Priščák, Juraj; et al.
Fuel, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 357
Valizadeh, Ali; Skoglund, Nils; Forsberg, Fredrik; et al.
International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, International Association of Online Engineering 2023, Vol. 13, (8) : 33-50
Khodadad, Davood
Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Vol. 64, (15)
Kristiansen, Martin; Holmlund, Petter; Linden, Christina; et al.
ACS Photonics, American Chemical Society (ACS) 2023, Vol. 10, (11) : 3875-3887
Gedeon, Johannes; Hassan, Emadeldeen; Calà Lesina, Antonio
Fuel, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 333
Faust, Robin; Valizadeh, Ali; Qiu, Ren; et al.
Advances in Cement Research, ICE publishing 2023, Vol. 35, (12) : 577-587
Aguirre Castillo, José; Broström, Markus; Eriksson, Matias
Applied Sciences, MDPI 2023, Vol. 13, (14)
Khodadad, Davood; Tayebi, Behnam; Saremi, Amin; et al.
Energies, MDPI 2023, Vol. 16, (14)
Mohammadi, Younes; Palstev, Aleksey; Polajžer, Boštjan; et al.
Green Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry 2023, Vol. 25, (18) : 7259-7272
Ismail, Norafiqah; Zhou, Qiuyueming; Wang, Qian; et al.
Neurosurgery, Wolters Kluwer 2023, Vol. 93, (2) : 300-308
Hansson, William; Johansson, Elias; Birgander, Richard; et al.
Mathematics, MDPI 2023, Vol. 11, (13)
Moradi, Mahmoud; Karamimoghadam, Mojtaba; Meiabadi, Saleh; et al.
Fermentation, MDPI 2023, Vol. 9, (6)
Miranda, Diego A.; Marín, Katherine; Sundman, Ola; et al.
ACS Omega, American Chemical Society (ACS) 2023, Vol. 8, (14) : 13162-13176
Falk, Joel; Hannl, Thomas Karl; Öhman, Marcus; et al.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 43, (8) : 3770-3777
Kumar Wagri, Naresh; Carlborg, Markus; Eriksson, Matias; et al.
Fuel, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 342
Kumar Wagri, Naresh; Carlborg, Markus; Eriksson, Matias; et al.
Fuel, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 340
Skoglund, Nils; Thyrel, Mikael; Perrin, Jonathan; et al.
Aging Brain, Elsevier 2022, Vol. 2
Johansson, Jarkko; Wåhlin, Anders; Lundquist, Anders; et al.
Neurology, Vol. 99, (12) : e1278-e1289
Karalija, Nina; Johansson, Jarkko; Papenberg, Goran; et al.
Neurology, Wolters Kluwer 2022, Vol. 98, (20) : e2013-e2022
Farnsworth von Cederwald, Bryn; Josefsson, Maria; Wåhlin, Anders; et al.
Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 6
Latham, Kenneth G.; Kozyatnyk, Ivan; Figueira, Joao; et al.
Spectrochimica Acta Part B - Atomic Spectroscopy, Elsevier 2003, Vol. 58, (11) : 1997-2014
Axner, Ove; Gustafsson, Jörgen; Schmidt, Florian M.; et al.
Journal of Applied Physics, American Institute of Physics (AIP) 1974, Vol. 45, (5) : 2058-2064
Wåhlin, Anders; Bäckström, Gunnar
Latest update: 2022-03-31