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About the department of Community Medicine and Rehabilitation

The Institution for Community Medicine and Rehabilitation includes the professions of occupational therapy, geriatric medicine, sports medicine, rehabilitation medicine, forensic medicine, and physiotherapy.

Geriatric Medicine

Geriatric medicine encompasses the whole range of medical problems - from etiology to therapy and prophylaxis ...

Forensic Medicine

Forensic medicine is a field of medicine which provides the justice system – police, prosecutor and the courts...

Occupational Therapy

Have a good life! How is our health influenced by our work and occupation?


Physiotherapy concerns promoting health by encouraging movement. From a health perspective the human being is ...

Rehabilitation Medicine

Rehabilitation Medicine includes treatment by multiprofessional teams with a view to minimize impairment and d...

Sports Medicine

Sports medicine is the aspect of medicine which is theoretically and practically devoted to prevention and tre...

Latest update: 2022-11-03