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Science Communication and Power Relations in Global Health

  • Number of credits 3 credits
  • Level Master’s level
  • Study form Web-based (online)
  • Starting Summer Term 2024

Admitted to the course

Here you will find everything you need to know before the course starts.

About the course

The course provides a broad introduction to power and power relations and their influence in global health including gender, equity, intersectionality, decolonization, and political economy. The course also provides an introduction to science communication including poster design, pitch presentation and effective oral presentations. The students apply their knowledge by choosing a topic to present as a poster or oral presentation.

The course consists of two weeks of full-time study. One week of independent work and one week of teaching and teachers-students interaction.
Teaching is given in the form of online seminars followed by thematic discussions and group exercises in which students take an active role. The group exercises include the use of digital technologies and platforms to communicate scientific results. After the seminars, students have the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice by participating in five thematic discussions aimed at competence and capacity building and focusing on science communication skills. Science communication teaching includes capacity building sessions (designing a scientific poster, pitch presentations and effective oral presentations), personalized feedback (tutoring) and a poster/oral presentation.

All teaching is in English and is done remotely. Access to a computer with a camera, headset with microphone and internet connection is required. Poster/oral presentations and presence and active participation in the thematic discussions are mandatory.

Application and eligibility

Science Communication and Power Relations in Global Health, 3 credits

Det finns inga tidigare terminer för kursen Summer Term 2024 Det finns inga senare terminer för kursen


12 August 2024


25 August 2024

Study location

Ospecificerad ort



Type of studies

Daytime, 100%, Distance

Number of mandatory meetings


Number of other meetings


Outline for distance course

All teaching is in English and is done remotely. Access to a computer with a camera, headset with microphone and internet connection is required. Poster/oral presentations and presence (online) and active participation in the 5 thematic discussions are mandatory.

Required Knowledge

To apply to this freestanding course, the requirements are 120 ECTS, of which a minimum of 30 ECTS are at second-cycle level including a degree project of at least 15 ECTS at second-cycle level in one of the following areas: health sciences, environmental health, social sciences or equivalent foreign higher education. English proficiency equivalent to English B/6 from Swedish Upper secondary education is required.

Entry requirements


Academic credits

Application code



Application deadline was 15 March 2024. The application period is closed.

Application and tuition fees

As a citizen of a country outside the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland, you are required to pay application and tuition fees for studies at Umeå University.

Application fee

SEK 900

Tuition fee, first instalment

SEK 7,420

Total fee

SEK 7,420

Contact us

Please be aware that the University is a public authority and that what you write here can be included in an official document. Therefore, be careful if you are writing about sensitive or personal matters in this contact form. If you have such an enquiry, please call us instead. All data will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Course is given by
Epidemiology and Global Health
Contactpersons for the course are:
Angelica Johansson, Carina Luther