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Master's Programme in Statistics and Data Science

  • Number of credits 60 credits

This one-year programme offers broad and high-level training in both applied and computational statistics as well as in the foundations of statistical theory. You will gain solid knowledge in statistical methods and hone your skills to critically analyse and interpret data, and to communicate the results of your analysis. You can choose from elective courses in Statistics or Mathematical Statistics to tailor your degree.

The programme is offered by the AACSB accredited Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics.

While studying

The first semester

During the first semester, you will learn statistical programming, a very important skill for a statistician or data scientist. The second half of the semester, you will learn how to infer the effects of treatments/interventions, both in randomized and observational (e.g., register based) studies when you take the course in causal inference. The teachers on this course are all recognized researchers within the field of causal inference. Parallel to these two courses, that are given on haft-time, you tailor your degree by choosing among a selection of elective courses.

The second semester

During the second semester, you will develop your writing, analysis and research skills through writing a master's thesis. The master's thesis course is given on half-time during the whole semester and parallel to this course you take optional courses.

Optional courses during the second semester can be a course in any subject, including Statistics and Mathematical Statistics, as long as you meet the eligibility requirements. Optional courses are applied for in open competition.

Elective courses the first semester

The choice of electives the first semester is made after a discussion with the program coordinator or the study advisor after you have received information about admission to the program. You are guaranteed a place on elective courses equivalent of full-time studies, but there is no guarantee of first choice. Moreover, some of the electives require specific Mathematics courses or proficiency in Swedish (if the course is given in Swedish), which might limit your choices. The elective courses available this year are listed below together with the required knowledge for entry.

Elective courses 2023

During the first half of the semester, the following electives are offered: Probability Theory (requires a course in basic calculus or equivalent knowledge), Multivariate Data Analysis (requires courses in basic calculus and linear algebra or equivalent knowledge), and Linear Algebra (requires proficiency in Swedish).

During the second half of the semester, the electives offered are: Statistical learning with high-dimensional data, Inference Theory (requires a course in basic calculus or equivalent knowledge), Calculus for Engineers (requires proficiency in Swedish) and Linear Algebra (requires proficiency in Swedish and is given with video lectures).

All Mathematics courses offered are basic level courses given in Swedish.

Degree requirements on elective and optional courses

Both elective and optional courses can be master's (advanced) or undergraduate (basic) level courses. Of the elective and optional courses, at least 15 Credits has to be advanced level courses to fulfil the degree requirements for a Master of Science (6o Credits).

Sustainability perspective all the more important

Sustainability get a whole lot bigger attention in today's firms and organizations and we lifted these questions up early in our educational programs. Together with our students are we working for a more sustainable business school and to revise the courses to improve the education about, and for, sustainable development at the program. Our work on sustainability takes as a starting point the 17 sustainable development goals and Agenda 2030.

We are certified by the environmental management system ISO 14001 and we are members of the international networks GBSN, PRME and SDSN.

Read more about our work on sustainability

We integrate competencies in our programmes

In our programmes and courses we focus on competencies that are needed for your future professional life.

Programme overview

Semester 1
Programming in Statistics, 7.5 Credits
Causal Inference, 7.5 Credits
Elective courses, 15 Credits

Semester 2
One Year Master Thesis in Statistics, 15 Credits
Optional courses, 15 Credits

Career opportunities

Statisticians and data scientist are in high demand on the labour market. You can work in many different areas, both private and public. The programme also gives you eligibility to apply for doctoral studies.


Degree of Master of Science (60 credits), main field of study: Statistics.

Common questions

Manager of the programme is Emma Persson.

Contact us

Please be aware that the University is a public authority and that what you write here can be included in an official document. Therefore, be careful if you are writing about sensitive or personal matters in this contact form. If you have such an enquiry, please call us instead. All data will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Contactperson for the programme is:
Emma Persson