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Faculty of Science and Technology

Our Faculty has 3 300 full-time students, 1 000 employees, and a strong research. The eleven departments of the faculty comprises research and education within architecture, biology, chemistry, computing science, industrial design, mathematics, physics, educational science, and technology.

Latest news

Ett barn fyller på ett glas mjölk i en skolmatsal.
Super-sensitive method finds bacteria spores in food and hospitals

Resistant spores can cause food poisoning and infections via, for example, dairy products.

Doktorand vid Kemiska institutionen
The internship in Germany was an eye-opener

Doctoral student Andreas Eriksson experienced cultural differences at the Sartorius research lab.

Professor vid Institutionen för fysikEnhet: Comb spectroscopy lab
Aleksandra Foltynowicz elected Optica Fellow

Honored for serving with distinction in the advancement of optics and photonics

Forskaren och Head of Unit på SMC, Annika Johansson, berättar om forskningen vid infrastrukturen för besökarna.
Ukrainian researchers visited Umeå in search of collaboration and inspiration

With Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022, most of laboratory research came to a halt.

Jun Zhang, Laura Herzog, and Yaowen Wu in front of the computor.
New light-tuned chemical tools control processes in living cells

Professor Yaowen Wu's lab is at the forefront of developing chemo-optogenetic systems.

Jens ZamanianUniversitetslektor vid Institutionen för fysikRoll: Studierektor
Jens Zamanian in new role with internationalization

Jens Zamanian wants to encourage more students to study abroad and take double degrees.

Latest features

Porträtt på Keith Larson, Institutionen för ekologi, miljö och geovetenskap, Umeå universitet.
Leading the Arctic Centre into a new era of collaboration and impact

Keith Larson aims to make a real impact in the Arctic by forging stronger links between research and society.

Daniel Metcalfe
Arctic Six project will reveal forests’ role in climate change

Daniel Metcalfe will initiate a research project on measuring carbon stocks and fluxes in Arctic forests.

Virginia Dignum, professor vid Institutionen för datavetenskap
Professor: How we reduce the risks with AI

Virginia Dignum is working to develop AI systems that are reliable and adapted to human values.

Related information

Science outreach events

Umeå University researchers disseminate their research outside the University through various events.

Collaborate with us

Our faculty works actively to develop its interaction with the surrounding community.

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Work with us

Are you applying for a position within the faculty? Here you can find relevant guidelines and forms.