I am part of the interdisciplinary U-Motion Laboratory Research Group. My research investigates consequences of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury by combining advanced measurement techniques such as three-dimensional motion capture and brain imaging. I am particularly interested in methods to assess proprioception of the knee as well as if and how post-injury changes in motor control influence injury risk. My current project aims to better understand the influence of attentional focus, i.e., whether we focus on how our body performs a task or the effects of the task, on motor control and whether differences in performance are related to contrasting responses in the brain. I am further interested in developing interventions to reduce primary ACL injury risk by combining co-creation and evidence from motor control research to increase adherence and the effectiveness of currently recommended programmes.
My published articles include observational longitudinal studies, cross-sectional investigations, method development assessing reliability and validity, and systematic reviews with meta-analyses. Included populations include elite and recreational athletes, the general population, and individuals with ACL injury. I have also been involved in several projects assisting with data collection and processing investigating motor control among children and individuals with stroke.
Academic degrees
Current university positions
Previous university positions
I am currently course leader at the section of Occupational therapy for the master’s course ‘Scientific theory and methods’ (in Swedish ‘Vetenskaplig teori och metod’). I have previous experience of teaching at bachelor’s level within subjects such as Human anatomy, Biomechanics, and Research methods. I have also supervised 17 students at either bachelor’s or master’s level during their respective theses.