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Umeå Cognitive Science Day 2022

Tid Torsdag 8 december, 2022 kl. 10:00 - 15:00
Plats MIT.A.121 eller via Zoom

Varje höst anordnas en konferens inom kognitionsvetenskap (Umeå Cognitive Science Day, UCSD) med inspirationsföreläsningar för alla studenter, alumner, universitetsanställda och andra som är intresserade av kognitionsvetenskap.

Konferensen är på engelska och arrangeras av studenter på de kognitionsvetenskapliga programmen vid Umeå universitet samt av Institutionen för psykologi. Detta år kommer det att finnas möjlighet att delta i konferensen antingen på campus i lokal MIT.A.121 eller via Zoom. Vi uppmuntrar alla som kan att delta på plats, först till kvarn gäller! Zoom-länk presenteras på denna sida dagen för konferensen.

Välkomna att delta via zoom




No registration is required


09:45 - 10:00 Coffee

10:00 - 10:05 Welcome remarks

Annika Nordlund, Head of department at the Department of Psychology, Umeå University.
(Live in MIT.A.121 and streamed in Zoom)


10:05-10:35 Axel Hansers - User researcher at Spotify

Axel Hansers is an alumn from the Cognitive Science program at Umeå University who is now working as a user researcher at Spotify where he attempts to understand what they can and should improve for their users. See more at www.spotify.com
(Live in MIT.A.121 and streamed in Zoom)


10:45-11:15 Frida Bertilsson - Retrieval practice and its relation to individual differences in cognition and personality

Frida Bertilsson has a background in cognitive science and is now a doctoral student at the Department of Psychology. Her research project is focused on investigating the relationship between retrieval practice, cognitive abilities, and personality traits, as well as implementing retrieval practice in an authentic school environment. https://www.umu.se/personal/frida-bertilsson/
(Live in MIT.A.121 and streamed in Zoom)


11:30-12:00 Dr. Andreas Theodorou - Responsible AI for Human Control & Societal Wellbeing

Dr. Andreas Theodorou is a researcher within the Department of Computer Science at Umeå University and the CEO of VeRAI AB. Theodorou’s research concerns artificial intelligence (AI), with the subjects ethical and social perspectives in focus. See more at https://www.atheodorou.com/
(Live in MIT.A.121 and streamed in Zoom)


12:00-13:00 Break for lunch


13:00-13:45 Prof. Natalie Sebanz - Understanding the mind through joint action 

Prof. Natalie Sebanz is a professor in cognitive science at Central European University in Vienna, Austria. She is also co-director at the Social Mind Center. Sebanz’ research focuses on social interaction and how we coordinate our actions with other people. See more at https://somby.ceu.edu
(Streamed in Zoom and on big screen in MIT.A.121)

14:00-14:45 Prof. Nikolaus Kriegeskorte - Controversial stimuli: Optimizing experiments to adjudicate among computational hypotheses 

Prof. Nikolaus Kriegeskorte is a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Columbia University, New York. He is also a director of cognitive imaging at the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute. Kriegeskorte creates computational models of biological vision and compares them to human brains and behavior. kriegeskortelab.zuckermaninstitute.columbia.edu/
(Streamed in Zoom and on big screen in MIT.A.121)

Läs om Kandidatprogram för kognitionsvetenskap här
Läs om Masterprogrammet i Kognitionsvetenskap här


Evenemangstyp: Konferens
Linnea Karlsson Wirebring
Läs om Linnea Karlsson Wirebring