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Medicinsk fakultet (inklusive tidigare Odontologiska fakulteten)
Bengt Björkstén Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: The nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) test: A methodological and clinical study.
Bengt Carlsöö Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Studies on submandibular salivary gland peroxidase, its cellular localization and release mechanisms.
Åke Danielsson Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Functional aspects of the exocrine pancreas in relation to the islets of Langerhans: Effects of islet hormones on the synthesis, storage and secretion of amylase.
Bengt Fåhræus Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Renal structure and function in hypothyroidism and hyperparathyroidism: An experimental study in the pig.
Erik Gylfe Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Studies on free amino acids in the pancreatic β-cells.
Owe Johnson Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Effekter av etanol på omsättningen av lever- och plasmalipider hos råttan.
Ragnar Jonsell Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Patienter som söker barnmedicinsk öppen vård: En studie med särskild hänsyn till psykiska och sociala bakgrundsfaktorer.
Anders Kumlien Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Studies on peroxidase activity and iodine metabolism in salivary glands.
Berit Lindqvist Odontologie jubeldoktor Avhandling: Bruxism hos barn.
Bengt Mattsson Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Clinical, genetic and pharmacological studies in Huntington's chorea.
Jan Rosenquist Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Effects of supply and withdrawal of fluoride: Experimental studies on growing and adult rabbits.
Bo von Schoultz Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Studies on PZ, the pregnancy zone protein.
Jan Schönebeck Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Studies on Candida infection of the urinary tract and on the antimycotic drug 5-flourocytosine.
Lars-Eric Thornell Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Ultrastructural and cytochemical studies on hearth Purkinje fibres.
Björn Wiman Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Human plasminogen: Studies on its properties and mechanism of activation.
Kenneth R. Wing Odontologie jubeldoktor Avhandling: The turnover of zinc in albino rats fed conventional and zinc-deficient diets.
John Erik Zakrisson Medicine jubeldoktor Avhandling: Experimental studies on the function of the stapedius muscle in man.
Samhällsvetenskaplig fakultet
Göran Carstedt Ekonomie doktorsexamen Avhandling: Företag i strukturomvandlingen.
Åke Dahlberg Filosofie jubeldoktor Avhandling: Arbetsmarknadsutbildning - verkningar för den enskilde och samhället: En ekonomisk studie av personer som år 1965 avslutade arbetsmarknadsutbildning i Västerbottens län.
Birgitta Isaksson Pérez Ekonomie doktorsexamen Avhandling: Företag i strukturomvandlingen.
Lennart Orkan Ekonomie doktorsexamen Avhandling: Personalomsättning: Orsaker, konsekvenser och regional struktur.
Rune Åberg Filosofie jubeldoktor Avhandling: Changes in work conditions as a result of changes in economic structure.
Teknisk-naturvetenskaplig fakultet (tidigare Matematisk-naturvetenskaplig fakultet)
Bengt-Erik Bengtsson Filosofie jubeldoktor Avhandling: Some effects of zinc on different stages in the life history of the Minnow : Phoxinus phoxinus L. (pisces).
Ingemar Ericson Filosofie jubeldoktor Avhandling: Counter-current distribution of mitochondria.
Kjell Hansson Mild Filosofie jubeldoktor Avhandling: Biophysical aspects of permeation and diffusion of water in frog eggs.
Alf Jonsson Filosofie jubeldoktor Avhandling: Representation and imbedding of Lipschitz continuous functions.
Ann-Margret Nilsson Filosofie jubeldoktor Avhandling: Ion pair formation in pure and mixed solvents.
Lars-Erik Persson Filosofie jubeldoktor Avhandling: Relations between regularity of periodic functions and their Fourier series.
Firoz Rahemtulla Filosofie jubeldoktor Avhandling: Mucopolysaccharides and phylogeny of invertebrates.
Michael Sharp Filosofie jubeldoktor Avhandling: An approach to ion-selective electrode development.
Sam Södergren Filosofie jubeldoktor Avhandling: Ecological effects of heavy metal discharge in a salmon river.
Anders Wåhlin Filosofie jubeldoktor Avhandling: Static electrification of teflon by metals.