Abdullah Mohammad

The outbreak of war forced Abdullah Mohammad to leave Syria for Sweden. His journey took him through many countries with distinct cultures and languages, creating an emotional space between past and present, as well as a sense of the future.

Sweden became a special experience with its different way of life, its tranquil nature and long, cold winters, none of which he was accustomed to.

The long periods of isolation helped him delve deeper into the meaning of human feelings and emotions in their various forms, and this is what we find in his artwork. In The Fall, he expresses his personal experience through feelings in the form of human bodies with expressive touches floating in the subconscious space. Not all feelings are known, and the artist sees our common conceptions as insufficient for understanding them. A work of art, he says, can portray emotions more realistically and show the special value of feeling different from the rest. 

b. 1990, Damascus, Syria

The Fall

Installation: acrylic on canvas, bronze sculpture, sound
5-8 minutes

Latest update: 2022-08-26