Karin Holmer

Framsprunget ur idén om att konstruera en empati-genererande maskin, utforskar det här verket vår förmåga till mental och kroppslig inlevelse i relation till oss själva och till den filmiska bilden. Vi färdas i spänningen mellan oss och den andre, mellan känslan av trygghet och en mörk rörelse.

'The opening of a door. Activated by the inner voice of the reader. I want it to linger and take form in the mind. Something to cling to.'

In which one sees the door ajar rather than open. The gentility of the chemical photograph, leans into a sense of violence: an image is replaced by another. There are many ways to tell a story. Light is divided into patches of darkness. What unfurls within the mind is not the object itself, but it is a shadow, a specter, its luminous imprint: a vanished echo. A narrative surface of immaterial matter.

Utställda verk, examensutställning

Amygdala Response Stimulator, 2021, Installation med 16mm-filmloop och ljuddusch


Senast uppdaterad: 2022-02-21