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Associate Professor in History of Religion. Modern Judaism, Interreligious Dialogue, Religion & Literature.
Doctor of Philosophy in education and post-doctoral fellow in history didactics. Member of the research group History and Education.
PHD-student and upper secondary school teacher. My reserach concerns schoolequipment and teaching focusing on the 19th- and 20th century in Sweden. I teach mostly within the teacher education.
I'm an associate professor in philosophy. My primary research areas are epistemology and the philosophy of language.
Professor in History of science and ideas. Head of research for History and education.
PhD student in History and Education and a part of the graduate school PEDASK (Schooling in perspective: A graduate school in applied history of education).
I am an associate professor in philosophy at Umeå University, where I research and teach in metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of science. Most of my research centers around causation.
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Professor of History of Science and Ideas.
I am a Senior Lecturer (associate professor) at Umeå University, where I work on causation, time, laws of nature, and free will.
PhD student in History and Education.
Professor of Church History at the Faculty of Arts and Professor of History and Education at Umeå School of Education.
I am an Assistant Professor with focus in Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence. I also do research in Philosophy of Cognitive Science and Philosophy of Science.
Associate Professor in Religious Studies and Director of studies.
Postdoc in History
Coordinator and a member of the management team of the Swedish National Infrastructure for Digital Archaeology Module 4.
(he/they) I am associate professor in philosophy and representative for equal opportunities. I work primarily in the philosophy of language, in both its theoretical and practical dimensions.
Glenn Sandström is a Docent/Associate Professor researching family dynamics from a historical and contemporary perspective.
Associate professor of history and education. Director of doctoral studies.
I am a PhD student in philosophy. My research interests include metaepistemology and metaethics. I teach philosophy of mind and language.
Director of the Environmental Archaeology Lab. Archaeobotanist.
Doctoral student in Systematic Theology.
I specialize in political philosophy and normative ethics. My research addresses topics such as dignity, self-respect, well-being, strategic interaction and the workings of democracy.
I am an associate professor in the history of science and ideas, with a focus on environmental history. As of June 2022, I am Arctic Five Chair in Environmental History at Umeå University.
Associate professor in History of Science and Ideas. In my research I have focused on the interaction between science, politics and the media in a broad sense.
I examine the closure of privately run Muslim schools being accused of radicalising their pupils.
I am Head of Department and Senior Lecturer in philosophy.
I direct our program in Philosophy and Society. I teach ethics and political philosophy. My reserach includes paternalism, public health, sustainability, family, future people, new technology.
I am associate professor in philosophy. My research is mainly in ethics and metaphysics, and I teach in both practical and theoretical philosophy.
Senior lecturer/associate professor (docent) in philosophy.
Within my project funded by my Wallenberg Scholar Grant (2020-30) I lead a cross-disciplinary team researching how disabilities affect people's ageing and health in Swedish society across time.
I am a PhD student in philosophy. My research is about lying and misleading, considered from a philosophy of language perspective.
Madeleine Hayenhjelm (Ph.D, Phil.lic., Royal Institute of Technology) is a senior lecturer in Philosophy and specialises in Ethics of Risk and Moral Philosophy.
I regularly teach history of philosophy, and occasionally metaphysics, epistemology and philosophy of science. My research focuses on Kant's philosophy.
I am a PhD candidate in History and Education with a focus on the history of elementary school teachers in Sweden
I am a doctoreal resercher in environmental archaeology, studying how we with the use of kemometric methods, can trace the movement patterns of Neolithic people of Västerbotten, Swedens inland.
I am docent in systematic theology. My research is primarily in philosophical- and fundamental theology, but I am also interested in classical dogmatics.
Doctor in environmental archaeology with interest in interdisciplinary approaches to prehistoric cultural development. Working as project assistant in the SEAD and Swedigarch infrastructures.
I am Associate Professor in New Testament Exegesis. The focus of my research has been early Jewish texts on the one hand, and identity formation and interpretation of history among early Christians on the other.
I finished my PhD in Uppsala in the fall of 2018 and I'm an associate professor of philosophy in Umeå since March 2022. My research mainly concerns metaethics, philosophy of language and aesthetics.
I teach introductory courses in ethics, metaethics and decision theory. My research focuses on ethics and value theory, especially on moral obligations to future generations.
Associate professor in history.
Teacher representative, Umeå University board.
Scientific member of the Swedish Ethical Review Authority
Associate professor in philosophy. Philosophy of mind, philosophy of cognitive science, metaphysics.
Vice Dean of Arts and Humanities. Director of The National Infrastructure for Archaeological Science and Strategic Environmental Archaeology Database. Senior Lecturer in Environmental Archaeology.
Associate professor in archaeology, specialized in geoarchaeology.
I am head of subject for philosophy. Min research focuses on different questions in the philosophy of mind. I teach teacher candidates, and students in philosophy and cognitive science.
My responsibilities are internal and external communication which include the departments website, calendar, ads, posters and other printed information.
I am a PhD student in History, researching emotions and perceptions of the capital punishment and royal mercy in petitions in 17th and 18th century Sweden.
Doctoral student in History and Education. Lundberg dissertation project focuses specifically on teachers' interpretations of the meanings of ethnically heterogeneous classroom contexts.
Archaeobotanist and assistant director for the Environmental archaeology laboratory (MAL)
I am an associate professor of philosophy, with a focus on practical philosophy. My research is centered around free will, moral responsibility, animal ethics and philosophy of psychiatry.
I am associate professor of Sociology of Religion and senior lecturer in Didactics of Religion.
I am a PhD student in the history of ideas, with a focus on early modern ideas about human connectedness, cheap print, and the combination of intellectual history and the history of emotions.
Professor of Psychology of religion.
Doctoral student in religious studies. Researching the construction of gender in contemporary, European tantra.
I teach in ethics, metaethics, critical thinking, and political philosophy. My research is mainly focused on metaethics and critical thinking.
Ph.D. student in archaeology.
Professor of History. Research interests: Women and Gender History from legal, political and social perspectives, Early Modern and Modern History.