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Department of Nursing


Agneta Westergren
Alice Bitar
Amelie Frisk Wadell
Anders Sköldunger
Andreas Glantz
Anita Nilsson

Today, I mainly work as director of studies.

My research area is elderly patients, with or without cognitive impairment, in acute and subacute care.

Ann Jacobsson
Anna Sandsten
Anna Sjöström
Anna Thomson
Anna-Clara Rullander
Anna-Lena Stenlund
Anne Möller Thysell
Annica Backman
Annika Bay

Head of department.

Associated professor, combined with clinical employment at Department of Nursing, Umea University. 


Anton Glans

PhD student in Radiography at the Department of Nursing and registered radiology nurse/radiographer. My research focuses on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) safety aspects.

Birgitta Nilsson
Birgitta Olofsson

I am a professor of nursing with a combined employment.

I am a professor in nursing at the department of nursing. I am also a psychiatric and mental health nurse.

Bruno Wegelius
Camilla Hedlund
Camilla Holmgren
Carolina Lundholm
Catarina Fischer Grönlund

Catarina Fischer Grönlund Assistant Professor


Cathleen is a licensed radiographer with specialization in Computed Tomography who now works at Umeå Universitet as an instructor with the radiography training program.

David Hannu
Eleonor Johansson
Elin Kemi
Elina Molin
Elisabeth Bruce
Emma Gradin
Erika Boman


Associate Professor in Nursing Science

Eva Boström
Fanni Nylén
Felix Drewsen
Filip Östman
Fredrik Schulz

Registered Nurse (R.N) specialised in anaesthesia care (CRNA).

Frida Johdet
Hanna Fransson
Hanna Morian
Helen Forsgren
Helena Antonsson
Hillevi Öberg
Håkan Bäckman
Ida Ylipää
Ingegerd Hildingsson
Ingrid Olsson
Jeanette Beckman Rehnman
Jennie Hedman
Jenny Molin
Johan Åhlin
Johan Öquist
Johanna Sandén
Jonas Alex
Jonathan Niska
Kajsa Nygren
Karin Bölenius
Karin Hellström Ängerud
Karin Jonsson

Associate professor, CCRN

Head of the clinical training center Clinicum Betula

Department of Nursing combined with clinical employment at the Intensive care unit, Region Västerbotten.

Katharina Tjernström

I am a PhD-student (80 %) in sexual and reproductive health and a lecturer (20 %) at the Department of Nursing, Umeå university. 

Kristina Lämås


Assosiate Professor in Nursing


Lena Jutterström
Lenita Lindgren

My research project is centered on neurobiology and the assessment of pain. Additionally, I am engaged in a project that develops and evaluate an AI/ML-based system to optimize patient flow.

Lina Almqvist
Lina Gyllencreutz
Lina Hudhud
Liza Privosnik
Ludvig Lundberg Perris
Madeleine Blusi

Research about artificiell intelligens  in healthcare, focus on personalisation, participation and methods for co-creation.

Malin Skagerlind
Margareta Persson

I am Docent in Reproductive and Perinatal Health, and work as Senior Lecturer at the Department of Nursing, Umeå University. I am also the Program Director of the Midwifery education. 

Maria Härgestam
Maria Lindqvist

I am an associate professor in Sexual and Reproductive Health, with an associated position as a Development Manager/Midwife at the CFOG, Region Västerbotten.  

Maria Nilsson Jatko
Maria Persson
Maria Thelander
Marita Sehlstedt
Monica Christianson

I am working as senior lecturer and is teaching at advanced level, foremost at the Midwifery Program, active researcher and work as a midwife at the youth clinic in Umeå. 

Per Fransson

Professor in Nursing with a combined position as an oncology nurse at Cancercentrum, NUS.

Pia Hedberg
Pär Suneson
Rebecca Baxter
Rickard Wigren
Sabine Björk
Sara Berglund
Sara Olsson
Senada Hajdarevic
Signe Eriksson Näsholm
Sonja Marklund
Sonja Nordin
Sophia Holmlund

I am working as an Assistant Professor within Sexual and Reproductive Health, Department of Nursing, UMU and as a midwife at the Center of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Region of Västerbotten.

Stina Kallerhult-Hermansson

RN, MSN, PhD student.

Susanna Pusa
Susanne Ragnarsson
Ulf Isaksson

Professor in health science with a focus of nursing, Qualified teacher

Ulrika Fallbjörk
Ulrika Sidenmark
Veronica Lindström
Viola Edström
Ylva Holstad

Ylva graduated as a midwife in spring 2015. In March 2022, Ylva started as a doctoral student at the Department of Nursing at Umeå University. The project includes four studies on what it is like to be a parent with congenital heart defects.

Zaneta Perger
Åsa Audulv

I’m a nurse, teacher and researcher. My research area is self-management among people with long-term conditions, development of self-management measures and support tools.  

Åsa Carlsund
Åsa Hörnsten

In 2004, I defended my Ph.D. thesis and became an associate professor in 2012 and a professor in 201. As a district nurse, I have worked in home care, health centers and a family center.