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Research projects

Image: Ulrika Bergfors

Current research projects at the Department of Cultural and Media Sciences are listed here.

Mobilized villages: how local communities acted during the forest fires in 2018 and reorient themselves towards the future
Research area: Ethnology
Duration 1 January 2020 until 31 December 2022
Type of project Research project
Social prescribing
Duration 1 July 2019 until 31 December 2025
Type of project Research project
Welfare State Analytics. Text Mining and Modeling Swedish Politics, Media & Culture, 1945-1989 (WeStAc)
Duration 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2023
Type of project Research project
Rural resilience: Ethnographic perspectives on voluntary practices in rural Norrland
Research area: Ethnology
Duration 1 January 2019 until 31 December 2022
Type of project Research project
European History Reloaded: Curation and Appropriation of Digital Audiovisual Heritage
Research area: Digital humanities
Duration 1 September 2018 until 31 August 2021
Type of project Research project
Other Places: Sápmi, Meänmaa, and Migrant Cartographies.
Research area: General literary studies
Duration 1 January 2018 until 31 December 2019
Type of project Research project
Outbreak ethnography - cultural and social perspectives
Duration 8 December 2017 until 1 March 2018
Type of project Research project
Oral narrative as intangible cultural heritage and social force
Research area: Ethnology
Duration 1 January 2017 until 31 December 2020
Type of project Research project
Colonialism versus Decolonisation: The Role of Laestadius and Laestadianism in Contemporary Sámi and Tornedalian Texts
Research area: General literary studies
Duration 3 February 2016 until 31 December 2017
Type of project Research project
Research area: General literary studies
Duration 2 February 2016 until 31 December 2019
Type of project Research project
Digital Models. Techno-historical collections, digital humanities & narratives of industrialisation
Duration 4 January 2016 until 31 December 2019
Type of project Research project
Swedish Jazz Discourses 1919-1969
Research area: Ethnology
Duration 1 January 2015 until 31 December 2018
Type of project Research project
Rural morality: meaning, mobilisation and citizenship in initiatives for a sustainable rural Swedish North
Research area: Ethnology, Human geography
Duration 1 January 2015 until 31 December 2018
Type of project Research project
Swedish Images of Italy: Travel Literature in the Age of Liberty (1719–72)
Research area: General literary studies
Duration 1 January 2015 until 31 December 2021
Type of project Research project
Digital files – the press interface in 1800
Duration 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2016
Type of project Research project
Streaming Heritage: Following Files In Digital Music Distribution
Duration 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2018
Type of project Research project
Filmarkivet.se - a platform for cinema history
Research area: Media and communications
Duration 1 January 2013 until 31 December 2016
Type of project Research project
Epidemics, vaccination and the power of narratives.
Research area: Ethnology
Duration 1 January 2013 until 31 December 2016
Type of project Research project
The baby-boomers retire: Cultural beliefs and social effects of an ageing population
Duration 1 January 2010 until 31 December 2014
Type of project Research project
Women’s public sphere in the Swedish daily newspapers 1920-1950
Duration 16 March 2009 until 30 June 2009
Type of project Research project
Gender and Ethnicity in Kurdisk theatre in Sweden
Duration 26 February 2009 until 31 December 2011
Type of project Research project
The conditions for making music - between cultural policy, economcis and esthetics
Research area: Ethnology
Duration 1 January 2009 until 31 December 2012
Type of project Research project
Ada Nilsson at the barricades in Triewaldsgränd. A biography
Duration 1 January 2009 until 31 December 2010
Type of project Research project
The viewing image
Duration 17 April 2007 until 31 December 2008
Type of project Research project
Scandinavian Nudes: Art, Creativity and Sexuality
Research area: Art history
Duration 6 March 2007 until 31 December 2010
Type of project Research project
"love and something to laugh at!furthermore". Sara Lidman and the loveable gaze
Research area: General literary studies
Duration 25 February 2007 until 30 June 2007
Type of project Research project
Passion and emancipation. Love, modernity and gender in Swedish 20th-century novels
Research area: General literary studies
Duration 25 February 2007 until 31 January 2008
Type of project Research project
Love’s challenges. Revolt and Romance in Contemporary Popular Fiction
Duration 25 February 2007 until 31 December 2008
Type of project Research project
Changing ideals - The swedish reception of Italian art during the 19th century
Duration 23 February 2007 until 31 December 2010
Type of project Research project
The institutionalisation of the artlife in a swedish regional context 1850-1950
Duration 23 February 2007 until 31 December 2010
Type of project Research project
An illustrated Nordic North
Duration 23 February 2007 until 31 December 2013
Type of project Research project
Feminist academic writing as creative practice and emancipatory strategy
Duration 22 February 2007 until 31 December 2009
Type of project Research project
Scared, pious, kind - and a bit feminine? Emotions and reactions in the Annunciation of Virgin Mary
Research area: Art history
Duration 22 February 2007 until 31 December 2010
Type of project Research project
Jazz and the Jazz musician
Research area: Ethnology
Duration 9 February 2007 until 31 December 2009
Type of project Research project
Heritage as a resource on a local and regional level
Duration 1 February 2007 until 31 December 2007
Type of project Research project
The Museum, The Exhibition, The Visitor. Learning in a new arena of education.
Research area: History of ideas
Duration 1 January 2007 until 30 September 2010
Type of project Research project
Making meaning in/of old age
Research area: Ethnology
Duration 1 January 2007 until 31 December 2008
Type of project Research project
Ambivalences – on art and gliding positions
Research area: Art history
Duration 1 January 2007 until 31 December 2009
Type of project Research project
The museum, the exhibition and the visitors
Research area: Education
Duration 1 January 2007 until 31 December 2009
Type of project Research project
Evaluation of the project "Schools of diversity ideas"
Research area: Education, Ethnology
Duration 1 August 2006 until 31 May 2008
Type of project Research project
The nuclear waste issue in the media
Research area: Media and communications
Duration 1 January 2006 until 14 February 2007
Type of project Research project
Focal Points of Humanities Today
Duration 1 January 2006 until 31 December 2010
Type of project Research project
Metamorphosis of the Artwork
Duration 1 January 2006 until 31 December 2009
Type of project Research project
Music and politics in Sweden during the 1970’s
Research area: Ethnology
Duration 1 May 2005 until 31 December 2007
Type of project Research project
Analogcal thinking and literary value
Research area: General literary studies
Duration 1 January 2004 until 31 December 2010
Type of project Research project
The school as a place for constructions of gender and sexuality
Research area: Ethnology
Duration 1 January 2004 until 31 December 2006
Type of project Research project
Latest update: 2022-07-19