Architecture, Exploration and Reflection

About the course

The course offers the opportunity for architecture students to immerse themselves in a site-specific architectural issue. Within the course, we explore which role architecture can have in relation to social and environmental aspects. Critical reflection and evaluation of the own work process and the results are important aspects of the course.

In the course, participants will take part in a theme-based workshop. The workshops that are offered and in which places these are given can vary from year to year that the course is offered. Each workshop has a limited number of students which can participate and there is no guarantee that applicants to the course will get their first-hand workshop choice. The specific workshops that are offered 2023 can be found here: Workshops

Please note that the summer course in 2023 is the same that has been offered also previous years by the School of Architecture. This means that if you have participated before in our summer school you cannot participate again, even if we now offer other workshops.

Contact form

Please be aware that the University is a public authority and that what you write here can be included in an official document. Therefore, be careful if you are writing about sensitive or personal matters in this contact form. If you have such an enquiry, please call us instead. All data will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Please be aware that the University is a public authority and that what you write here can be included in an official document. Therefore, be careful if you are writing about sensitive or personal matters in this contact form. If you have such an enquiry, please call us instead. All data will be treated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Course is given by:
Umeå School of Architecture
Contact persons for the course are:
Christina Sander Nordin, study administrator

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