New at UID

Have you applied to Umeå Institute of Design and got accepted to the education of your choice? Congratulations! On this page we have gathered everything you need to know and do before you start your studies. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you to UID.

If you have any questions during the summer regarding your preparations for coming to Umeå, please contact the UID Welcome Officer, a role assumed by a current student.

UID Student Handbook

UID Student Handbook

Visit the Umeå Institute of Design Student Handbook for all things UID.

Find your welcome letter

Find your welcome letter

The welcome letter contains key information about your education.

International Student Guide

International Student Guide

Essential information for your stay in Umeå.

general information

Welcome to UID

Find all key information in the
UID Welcome Brochure»

During July and August the Welcome Officer will answer any questions you may have. Contact the 
UID Student Welcome Officer»


Latest update: 2024-08-22