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Your query resulted in 104 hits

Showing 60-70 of 104 hits
Internationalisation policy
Type Policy document
Internationalisation policy for Umeå University.
Rule - Organisation of the work environment and equal opportunities
Type Policy document
According to the university’s vision, the university aims to have a sustainable work environment with a good working environment characterised by an inclusive culture where equality, diversity, and...
Rules for research infrastructures at Umeå university
Type Policy document
The aim of these rules is to ensure the overall coordination of research infrastructures at Umeå University that are accessible to more users than an individual research group. This document...
Procurement and purchasing
Type Policy document
This rule sets out how procurement and purchasing at Umeå University is to be carried out based on the applicable acts, ordinances and directives, as well as the needs and objectives of the activit...
Rule for appointment of academic leadership positions
Type Policy document
This rule specifies regulations for appointment processes for academic leadership positions at university-wide level, faculty level and department level. The rule also addresses processes for...
Rule for terms and conditions for academic leadership positions for academic for academic
Type Policy document
This rule discusses regulations regarding conditions for academic leadership positions at Umeå University.
Threshold amount for accounting of fixed assets
Type Policy document
The following threshold amounts apply for: Tangible assets: SEK 30 000. Intangible assets: SEK 300 000. New construction/extensions/remodelling of someone else’s property: SEK 300 000. Repairs/main...
Rules for grades and examination
Type Policy document
This regulation aims to clarify and legally secure grading and examination at Umeå University. The document includes rules and procedures for examiners, grades, compulsory educational modules,...
Procedures - disciplinary cases
Type Policy document
The purpose of these Administrative Procedures is to clarify the rules for, and the handling of, disciplinary cases within the educational programme at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels at the...
Procedures for managing suspected improprities
Type Policy document
This procedure is intended to ensure prompt and fair handling of suspected improprieties in cases that lack policy documents or approved procedures that regulate how to handle the situation. The...
Latest update: 2023-03-08