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Your query resulted in 104 hits

Showing 10-20 of 104 hits
Management and leadership policy
Type Policy document
This policy sets out Umeå University’s view on management and leadership as well as its expectations on managers and leaders at the University – including heads of department and other academic...
Procedure – appeals
Type Policy document
This procedure concerns the regulations governing handling of appeals by Umeå University and is based on the Swedish Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900) and the provisions that follow from it....
Regulation for Umeå University websites
Type Policy document
Regulation for Umeå University Websites describes what requirements Umeå University’s public websites must fulfil. A public website is a website that is searchable online. This regulation is aimed ...
Rules for administration of placements and study visits
Type Policy document
This rule describes how Umeå University administers placements and study visits. Additional information can be found in each faculty’s (and the Umeå School of Education’s) procedures for placements...
Rule for student influence
Type Policy document
This document describes the practical application of regulations at Umeå University relating to student influence as prescribed by laws and ordinances. This policy document is primarily for...
Decomissioning plan for facilities used for work with open radioactive sources at Umeå university
Type Policy document
This decommission plan describes the division of responsibilities and labor regarding the decommissioning of facilities at Umeå university that have been used for work involving open radioactive...
Template data management plan
Type Policy document
The template for data management plans at Umeå University basically follows the translation of Science Europe's core requirements for data management plans (https://www.scienceeurope.org/our-resour...
Research data policy
Type Policy document
This policy describes responsibilities and provides guidance on how Umeå University is to manage and preserve research data during the entire course of a research project from the planning stage,...
Procedures for external research grants
Type Policy document
These procedures are primarily intended for staff at departments or equivalent units dealing with external research grants. The procedures aim to demonstrate the various stages of the processing of...
Procedure for the acquisition of educational qualifications at Umeå University
Type Policy document
Umeå University has a model for the acquisition of educational qualifications meaning that teachers can apply for qualification for two consecutive levels: 1) recognised university teacher, and 2)...
Latest update: 2023-03-08