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Your query resulted in 104 hits

Showing 80-90 of 104 hits
Procedures - disciplinary cases
Type Policy document
The purpose of these Administrative Procedures is to clarify the rules for, and the handling of, disciplinary cases within the educational programme at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels at the...
Internationalisation policy
Type Policy document
Internationalisation policy for Umeå University.
Procedure for the withdrawal of resources from doctoral students at Umeå University
Type Policy document
This document regulates the administrative procedure for the withdrawal of supervision and other resources at Umeå University. It also describes the handling of appeals concerning a doctoral...
Threshold amount for accounting of fixed assets
Type Policy document
The following threshold amounts apply for: Tangible assets: SEK 30 000. Intangible assets: SEK 300 000. New construction/extensions/remodelling of someone else’s property: SEK 300 000. Repairs/main...
Rules for business entertainment
Type Policy document
This policy document contains a summary of the rules that apply to business entertainment at Umeå University. The basic principle in Sweden’s tax legislation is that benefits provided by the employ...
Rules for reporting secondary employment for teaching staff and employees covered by the Manager Agreement
Type Policy document
Secondary employment is an important part of teachers' interaction with society, but it should also be clear that these secondary employments must be properly managed. The general public should fee...
Rules for business travel at Umeå University
Type Policy document
Rules for business travel at Umeå University specify the process for planning, ordering and paying for business trips. The rules also include information about insurance coverage for business trips...
Regulation for Associate Senior Lecturer in the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine (WCMM) programme
Type Policy document
This rule applies to appointments as associate senior lecturer within the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine (WCMM) initiative. Employment is on an indefinite-term basis and is mainly oriente...
Work environment and equal opportunities policy
Type Policy document
The Work environment and equal opportunities policy aims to provide guidelines for the work environment strivings and should overall describe the working conditions and work environment in the...
Rules for gender equality in decision-making and advisory bodies
Type Policy document
These rules stipulate how gender equality is to be observed when the University nominates individuals for prizes and when appointing and proposing individuals to represent the University. The polic...
Latest update: 2023-03-08