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Your query resulted in 100 hits

Showing 40-50 of 100 hits
Rule for radiation protection
Type Policy document
This rule describes how local agencies at Umeå university must work to maintain, evaluate, and improve, the radiation protection at the local agency to comply with Swedish laws and regulations.
Safety policy
Type Policy document
This policy describes the main focus with regard to safety work for Umeå University. The policy covers employees and organisational operations at the University, as well as service providers,...
Procedures for strategic products
Type Policy document
This procedure describes roles and responsibilities and the manner in which the University’s organisation is to work with non-proliferation and export controls on military equipment and dual-use...
Procedures – supporting good research practice and handling suspected deviations
Type Policy document
These procedures have two purposes. The first is to determine how to organise proactive work to promote good research practice and high-quality research at Umeå University. The second is to define...
Template data management plan
Type Policy document
The template for data management plans at Umeå University basically follows the translation of Science Europe's core requirements for data management plans (https://www.scienceeurope.org/our-resour...
Policy for research on animals
Type Policy document
The Policy for research on animals at Umeå University aims to stipulate what applies to experiments on animals as regards ethics, rules, and legislation.
Research data policy
Type Policy document
This policy describes responsibilities and provides guidance on how Umeå University is to manage and preserve research data during the entire course of a research project from the planning stage,...
Rules of procedure for Umeå University
Type Policy document
Umeå University’s rules of procedure establish and describe the University Board, the University’s overall organisation and decision structure and the responsibilities and tasks of the different...
Rules for departments, units, centres, schools, academies and institutes at Umeå University
Type Policy document
These rules are based on the Rules of procedure for Umeå University. The Rules of procedure establish and describe the basic organisational entities at the University – departments, units and centr...
Procedure – appeals
Type Policy document
This procedure concerns the regulations governing handling of appeals by Umeå University and is based on the Swedish Administrative Procedure Act (2017:900) and the provisions that follow from it....
Latest update: 2023-03-08