Image: Yrsa Landström
As of today, the Arctic Centre has a network of over 200 associated researchers, both within Umeå University, and elsewhere, as external associates at other universities. With such a large amount of associated researchers, the Arctic Centre constitutes a strong and rich interdisciplinary research environment that is nationally prominent within several areas.
Here you can find our associated researchers in alphabetical order, or sorted by their research area. On this page you can also apply for funding, and/or report your funded activities.
Associated researchers A–Z
The listed themes below correspond to the Thematic Networks endorsed by The University of the Arctic. Please note that being sorted in a research area on this page does not mean that you are a part of that particular network at the UArctic.
Ageing and Gender in the Arctic
Archives, Folklore & Ethnography
Explores how ethnographic and folkloric materials can enliven Arctic cultures around the world.
Arctic and Northern Governance
Multilevel and comparative governance in the circumpolar north. The researchers study the institutional evolution of Arctic and northern governance from the local to global levels.
Arctic Boreal Hub
A multidisciplinary climate change, air quality, environment and research infrastructure initiative focused on the Northern Eurasian particularly arctic and boreal regions.
Arctic Cultures and History
Arctic Economic Science
Research that improve the knowledge of how the diverse changes in the Arctic affect opportunities and constraints of existing populations and the potential for economic growth/change, and thereby extend and improve the knowledge base for informed policy advice.
Arctic Extractive Industries
Minimize detrimental impacts and enhance opportunities of industrial development for local people in the Arctic. Some angles are human security studies, indigenous territoriality, reindeer herding, and analysis of environmental and social risks.
Arctic Geology
Focuses on geological resources, and studies on minerals and hydrocarbon resources in the Arctic. Exploitation of minerals and hydrocarbon resources impacts significantly environment as well as the culture and economy of the indigenous peoples living in the region.
Arctic in Asia and Asia in the Arctic
Aims to bridge the growing symbiotic interest and active engagement between the Arctic and Asia.
Arctic Law
Legal issues in the Arctic have gained special significance as the region is undergoing a huge transformation. This transformation is mainly due to double pressures of economic globalization and climate change, which causes a wide array of challenges to the existing legal structures functioning in the region.
Arctic Migration
Migration and population changes have always affected the quality and ways of life, therefore it is exceptionally important to recognise and address issues caused by it.
Arctic Plastic Pollution
Focuses on marine litter and microplastics, and on integrated monitoring and prioritized actions for combating plastic pollution.
Arctic Safety and Security
Focuses on the risks of operating in the Arctic and ways to prevent incidents that may represent a threat to human life and health, the environment, values and welfare of the social communities in the Arctic.
Arctic Space
Research, observations, infrastructure building, public outreach and joint education activities aiming to improve Arctic and space situational awareness and space safety.
Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design
Aims to identify and share contemporary and innovative practices in teaching, learning, research and knowledge exchange in the fields of arts, design and visual culture education.
Arctic Sustainable Resources and Social Responsibility
Capacity building, migration, eco-tourism, indigenous knowledge as a resource of significance of its own for sustainable Arctic futures, and a range of other issues.
Arctic Telecommunication and Networking
Investigates and develops telecommunication and networking in the Arctic region. The goal is to increase knowledge of communications system status and inform about new developments in the field related to the Arctic areas.
Arctic Transport and Logistics
Main focus on Arctic maritime transport and logistics operations, port and maritime infrastructure development and Arctic shipping routes. Also highlights and analyzes intermodal connections with other modes of transport within the Arctic, such as railways, roadways, pipeline infrastructure and more.
Arctic Urban Planning and Design
The goal is holistic development in the Arctic region by focusing on new technologies and the ambition of local communities to preserve the unique cultural character and the environment of the high north.
Arthropods of the Tundra
Research within ecology, systematics, molecular biology, evolution, agriculture forestry, epidemiology and more. Focuses on terrestrial and freshwater arthropods of Arctic.
Children of the Arctic
Assesses and studies successful practices of sustainable development concerning children in the Arctic, considering the adaptation of indigenous traditional knowledge to contemporary conditions.
Circular Economy
Aims to develop the sustainable utilisation of natural resources, and generate economic growth in northern areas and indigenous communities.
Climate Justice in the Arctic
Collaborative Resource Management
Seeks to develop capacity in collaborative natural resource management and community monitoring in the Arctic.
Communicating Arctic Research
A cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural collaboration with the aim to construct deeper connections, creating impact and change to increase public awareness of crucial environmental issues. Artists and scientists work at the edge of the Arctic where environmental research and art meet.
Critical Arctic Studies
Challenges mainstream, simplified, and stereotypical understandings of the Arctic, questions basis of the current depictions of the region and its development, and elevates the importance of the region and its future on the global scale.
Digital North: Three-Dimensional Technologies and Arctic Education
Disasters and Natural Hazards
The goal is to contribute to a future of better informed, evidence-based, and more collaborative approaches to public safety, especially reducing disaster risks over the long-term.
Frozen Arctic Conservation
Gender in the Arctic Knowledge Production
The focus area is to facilitate intersectional and gender-responsible knowledge production in and of the Arctic as part of sustainable development and related governance in the Circumpolar area.
Geopolitics and Security
Two main focus areas: Studies on Geopolitics, and Studies on Security. The aim is to combine the two focus areas and based on that to draw up a holistic picture on Arctic geopolitics and Northern security, as well as to identify and analyze major changes of them.
Health and Well-being in the Arctic
Aims to promote a multidisciplinary approach to improve social circumstances for the populations, both in regard to health and well-being as well as delivery of health care and social services in the Arctic.
Focuses on understanding the role of herbivores in arctic and alpine ecosystems.
Local-Scale Planning, Climate Change, and Resilience
The aim is to explore how communities confront climate change, including assessment of governance structures around climate adaptation or processes dealing with it, and how they seek to adapt to emerging challenges arising from increases in temperature and more extreme weather events.
Managing Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in the North
Seeks to develop knowledge that will enable managers of small and medium sized enterprises to better identify, describe, envision, manage and develop viable Enterprises in the high North.
Northern Food Security
Focuses on Indigenous peoples food culture. The goals are to advance the food security and self-sufficiency of Northern communities, as well as to increase training and research in increasing plant low temperature stress resistance.
Northern Nursing Education
Focuses on documenting the best practice models in order to promote the establishment of additional northern, rural and remote nursing programs in the eight circumpolar states. The goal is to address the accessibility and quality of baccalaureate nursing education in the northern regions.
Northern Tourism
The aim is to address gaps in knowledge about northern tourism through comparative, circumpolar research, in order to expand the understanding of tourism issues with particular relevance for current challenges and future needs.
Ocean Food Systems
Focuses on holistic examination of ocean foods value chains in fisheries and aquaculture, the sustainable utilisation of marine resources, and the ecological shifts in marine productivity and/or economic transformations in fisheries markets that we expect due to climate change, technological developments, and shifts in consumer preferences.
Focuses on permafrost, its impact on environment and its adaptation to climate change. The primary goal is to establish, sustain and strengthen a network of university institutions that give permafrost research based education.